Chapter 11

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I grin as my target comes closer. I guess the slutty red dress works. I bat my eyes at him and turn the corner with a wink. I wait just around the corner as my target turns with a grin. "Hiya, handsome," I whisper, grabbing his coat and pulling him close. "How about we chat?" I whisper. My target grins and I slowly move my arms up, hooking them around his neck. I pull him down and smile. "You are going to tell me exactly what I want to know," I lick my lips and my target leans down. "Wanna take me to your place?" I bat my eyelashes again and my target grabs my arm.

Once we get back to his room I hook a leg around him and knock him on the ground. He chuckles and grins. "Oh, did you like that? That sucks," I pull my sword out and my target's eyes widen. "As I said earlier, you are going to tell me exactly what I want to know," My target frowns at me and I drag him into a chair. "Now then. Shall we?" I interrogate him for a couple hours until he finally tells me what my client wanted to know.

"Fucking finally. It's been almost a week and I made a promise so I wish I could say it was nice knowing you. It hasn't. You're a sleaze goodbye, don't say anything if you want to live longer!" I call as I stalk out the door. I finally make it back to Starling and hurry to the foundry. Oliver is going to kill me! I didn't mean to be gone that long! I throw the door open to the foundry and grin at Roy.

"Where have you been?" Roy snaps. I glare at Felicity and she flinches.

"Felicity was supposed to tell you," I growl. "I went for a short job but my annoying target didn't know how to listen and apparently didn't like my interrogation tactics,"

"You mean your torture tactics?" Dig asks, appearing from behind me. I nod casually and Dig sighs.

"Don't worry, I got it out of him and got a wonderful payout. He also is still alive, just so you know Felicity," I add. Felicity grins at me and I shake my head. "So where's Ollie?" I ask with a frown. Everyone freezes and I frown.

"He went to fight Ra's Al Ghul..." Felicity says quietly. I blink in confusion and stare at her.

"I know he pissed him off when he said Malcolm was under his protection but this is unusual. What happened?" I sit down and look at all of them carefully. They're really worried. "Ok how long has he been gone?"

"3 days," Red says sadly. I frown but hesitate to say my thoughts. If he went to fight Ra's and no one's heard from him in three days, Oliver's dead.

"Ok... Why did he go to fight Ra's?" I ask again. They all glance at each other again and I frown. "Hello? Why did Ollie go fight Ra's?"

"We figure out who killed Sara..." Felicity glances at Red and I frown. "It was Thea..." I blink in confusion and frown.

"Why would Thea kill Sara?" I question. "She has no reason to!" I frown again and Red walks up behind me. "That doesn't make any sense," I whisper.

"Apparently she was drugged by... Malcolm Merlyn," Felicity says quietly. I grit my teeth and frown at Felicity.

"Thea killed Sara?" I whisper. "No... My father killed Sara," I glare at a table and tense up as Red hugs me from behind. Felicity frowns and drags Dig out the door. Red holds me while I crumble again. "Everytime I think there's a chance," I whisper. "He stabs me in the back again,"
"Kayla," Red whispers. I blink out of my pain for a second and straighten up.

"What happened to Oliver?" I ask seriously.

"He wasn't going to let Thea get killed and Malcolm told him about some tradition when it comes to blood debts,"

"And he went and challenged Ra's," I supply. "Dammit Oliver. Why didn't you call me?" I grumble.

"He only..."

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