Chapter 5

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Kayla's POV:

I stalk into the foundry and Oliver looks at me with a frown. "What did I do?" I mutter. Red comes tailing in behind me with a smirk. Felicity grins at us and blinks in surprise at me. "Did I do something wrong here?"

"No, but you aren't really gonna care about the rest of this," Felicity says. "There's an attack on Starling City National and I am assuming you want to deal with that," Felicity looks at Oliver and Red, both of whom are already grabbing their bows. I roll my eyes and head to the Salmon ladder.

"Kayla, you're coming," Oliver announces.

"Why would I do that?" I ask.

"Because, I said so," I sigh and turn to glare at Oliver.

"Need I remind you, you aren't my boss?" I grunt.

"Need I remind you we still need to discuss the fact that you were in the league?" Oliver snaps. I flinch at the reminder and glare at him. "So you're coming," I glare but grab my hood.

"You are so lucky I don't want to work out," I mutter. We head toward the bank until Oliver swerves abruptly. "What the hell is he doing?" I mutter. I tail him in confusion and frown when we arrive at a monastery. Oliver hops off his bike and I glare at him. "This isn't a bank,"

"It is where Malcolm is staying," Nyssa says. I turn and glare at her. "Did Oliver not tell you?"

"I tried, Roy said you were busy," Oliver grunts. I glare at Red and he frowns as we all stalk through the monastery.

"Sorry. I didn't know it was about that," Red mutters as we stalk silently through a hall. I don't respond as I cautiously turn the corner.

"I found Jansen," Dig says through comms.

"So did I," Nyssa growls.

"I highly doubt that," Dig mutters. I turn a corner as an arrow flies past me.

"What the fuck?" I exclaim. I blink as my father sprints past me. "Oh hell no!" I sprint after him and throw a knife narrowly hitting him in the shoulder. He turns and his eyes are cold and heartless.

"You're new. Let me give you a word of advice. I'm not someone you want to mess with," My father grins and I glare at him some more. He disappears and I shout in frustration.. Oliver appears next to me and frowns.

Oliver turns and stalks back towards Nyssa, already shouting at her. Red comes up beside me and seems to search my face.

"Are you ok?"

"How many times are you going to ask me that Red?"

"I'm going to keep asking until you actually answer," Red frowns and I stalk past him.

Red and I slowly walk into the foundry and Oliver glares at me. "Don't even think about it," I grumble. Oliver frowns but nods. We both already know how my father works. "So are you actually going to kill him this time or are you just going to give him a slap on the wrist again?" I ask. Oliver glares at me and I wait. "So just a slap on the wrist? Noted,"

"Kayla," Oliver glares. "Focus! We just found out your father is alive and I put a tracer on him!"

"You had a shot at Merlyn and you didn't kill him?" Laurel shouts. I lean on the table and watch with interest as she yells at him. Nyssa goes after Laurel and Oliver has Roy check on Thea. I wait while Dig starts trying to find Malcolm.

"I'll be on the streets, talk me in when you find his location," Ollie grabs his bow and I follow after him.

"I'll go with you," I announce. Both of them look at me in surprise. "I would like to find my father before there is a problem,"

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