Chapter 16

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I get shaken awake and glare at Roy as he smiles at me. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I growl. "I was asleep,"

"I know. But we need to finish our conversation," I blink at him in shock.

"You woke me up because I said something while half delirious?" I moan. "I'm going back to sleep. Don't wake me up again," Roy grabs me and throws me over his shoulder. "What the hell are you doing?" I wriggle attempting to get out of his grip and Roy chuckles. He puts me on the ground in the kitchen and corners me. "Really? Extra much?"

"We never finished our conversation and I really need you to elaborate, because you have been avoiding me for the last several days and staying god knows where. So what does Thea have to do with anything?"

"I'm not dumb. You and Thea got back together, so I've been staying at Laurel's," I shrug. "Can you move now?" I avoid Roy's eyes and train my eyes on the tv.

"Kayla... Thea and I didn't..." The Arrow shows up on the news and I smack Roy's arm.

"Roy!" I gesture to the tv.

"Thea and I..."

"Roy!" I shout shoving him out of the way. "The TV!" I turn the volume up and stare in shock.

"The SCPD is declaring a city wide manhunt for the Arrow and his accomplices. If anybody has any information regarding the Arrow's location please contact the 1-800 line shown below," I turn to stare at Roy.

"Oh my god," I mutter.

"That's not good," Roy mutters. "We should go in," Roy starts towards the door and I sigh.

"And do what Roy? We can't exactly punch anyone in this situation. Hell, we can't do anything until we know where Sarab is," I point out. Roy sighs and paces across the room.

"We have to do something!" Roy shouts.

"And we will. We just can't do anything right now," I sigh. I pause and think of Nyssa. She might be able to help.

"Hey you said there's nothing we can do right now," Roy waves a hand in front of my face and I frown at him.

"I gotta go," I mutter, hurrying out the door. I call Laurel and frown again. "Where's Nyssa?"


"She's the daughter of Ra's . She knows more about the league than anyone I can think of. Meaning she'd know where the copycat is," I say quietly.

"I'll tell Oliver," Laurel says quietly. I nod and she hangs up. I smile slightly and start to wander around the Glades, needing distance from Roy. I frown when my phone rings and I answer absentmindedly.

"Hello?" I mutter.

"Where the hell did you go?" Roy's voice crackles over the phone.

"Went for a walk. Did Oliver get something?"

"No... We were talking, remember?" Roy says hesitantly. I groan and Roy's sigh confirms that we both know how this conversation is going to end.

"Roy. Why are you so insistent on talking about this? I couldn't care less," I grumble. My mouth tastes weird with the lie and I frown. Why the hell do I have to have a stupid crush on Roy Harper? Nothing good is going to come of it. I frown as I continue walking around. I frown as I walk into the Foundry. Roy is already there and I look at him in confusion.

"What are you doing here?"

"I got hung up on so I was going to work out or a bit," Roy grumbles.

"I will come back later then," I spin around and Roy groans.

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