Chapter 19

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Kayla's POV: 

I struggle to keep my irritation under control as the days pass. "How long does it take to get Thea back?" I shout into the empty loft. 

"About four days apparently," Roy snaps. I glare at him over my shoulder and he glares back. Roy's been extra aggressive since Ray started showing up. Ray makes an appearance at every robbery or situation that we go to. I am this close to just stabbing him in the middle of a fucking board meeting. "Are you patrolling tonight?" Roy asks quietly. 

"Not like Ollie's gonna do it," I point out. Roy glares at me and I shrug. 

"Would you stop being a bitch?" Roy snaps jumping off the couch. "You are not the only one that's pissed off at this situation!" I spin around and gap at him. 

"Oh poor you. Your girlfriend is dead. Newsflash Jackass she's coming back. My best friend, the one I survived literal hell with is gone! Didn't even think about asking me about it or figuring out another solution!" Roy blinks in surprise at my outburst. "Don't even think about trying to compare this situation. My entire family is dead. The only other person that I considered anything close to family just decided to join a cult and abandon me... again," My voice cracks and Roy frowns again. 


"Shut it," I growl. I start to storm out of the room and a door thuds open. 

"This seems like it's going well," Dig remarks with a smile. "I could hear the yelling from outside," I shrug a glare still on my face and he looks between us. 

"Where's Thea?" I ask quietly. 

"She didn't feel like returning to the loft since she died in the corner. She's at Laurel's," Dig says quietly. "What happened while we were gone?" 

"Ray was an annoying pest," I shrug. "I'm going to see Thea," I stalk out of the loft and there's no response from Dig or Roy. 

Roy's POV: 

I'm still slightly reeling from Kayla's confession and Dig watches me silently after she leaves. "What the hell happened while we were gone?" Dig asks. I shrug silently and frown. 

"She's pissed with Oliver," I say quietly. "If he comes back she might actually kill him and no Lazarus pit will bring him back," I mutter. Dig watches me with a raised eyebrow and I frown. "What?" I snap. Felicity comes in looking behind her. 

"What's up with Kayla? She barely even said hi," Felicity stops and blinks at me. "Did anything happen with you two while we were gone?" I tense slightly and she grins widely. 

"Doesn't matter," I grumble. "Even if something does happen it's just a distraction. I'm going back to my place. See ya," I stalk out the door without another word.

Kayla's POV: 

I knock slowly on Laurel's door and smile at Nyssa as she opens it. "Hey, I heard my sister was home?" 

"Kayla?" Thea asks quietly, coming around the corner. "Are you ok?" 

"Am I ok? You literally just came back from the dead Thea. How are you doing?" 

"Ollie's not coming back," Thea says quietly. I nod and we both frown. 

"Our brother's kind of an idiot," I mutter. Thea laughs and nods in agreement. "Honestly what kind of dumbass joins a cult!" I whine dropping onto the couch. 

"Ollie, apparently," Thea mutters. "What am I supposed to do now? My brother just left me and my sister, that's weird to say, and my father is still supposed to be dead, so I am legally an orphan in every sense. Now, what do I do?" I sigh and glance at her while she paces across the room. 

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