Chapter 18

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Kayla's POV:

Ra's got half of what he wanted, I knew he wouldn't be satisfied and yet I still let Roy get through my barriers! "Fuck!" I whisper as I close the door. I frown as I drop to the ground. "Kayla? Talk to me, please."

"Stop, just stop!" I shout. "I... Just go away Roy,"

"Kayla... Baby,"

"We made out Roy, doesn't mean we're dating," I snap. My heart breaks as I push him away. I stalk out the door trying to keep tears from streaming down my face.

I stalk into the empty loft and collapse on the couch. "Fuck this," I mutter into the empty room. "Why did I let him get close?" I grumble. "When have I ever let anyone get that close!" I sit up and punch a wall. I frown as I realize my swords and suit are still at Roy's. I groan and punch a wall again. Now I have to go back. I throw the door open and stare at Roy. Who's holding my stuff. I grab the stuff and slam the door.

"Really?" I frown at Roy's voice and throw my suit on the ground. "Blue, would you please talk to me?"

"You really don't seem to understand this do you?" I frown at him and Roy blinks. "Roy, I do not care," I lie through my teeth. "I needed a distraction not a boyfriend," Roy frowns and I shrug nonchalantly.

Roy straightens and I turn with a frown. He stalks up to me and I frown. "Kayla," He says quietly, I back up as he gets closer. I run into the wall and Roy smirks.

"Roy, knock it off, we have enough to deal with right now," I mutter, staring at the ceiling and avoiding Roy's gaze.

"You said you wanted a distraction. Didn't you?" Roy whispers. My breathing shallows as he peppers kisses up my neck. "Kayla..." I don't say anything as he slowly kisses my cheek.

"Roy..." I whisper. I blink and notice the clock. "We have to go,"

"It can wait, babe," Roy whispers. I tilt my head to get a closer look outside which Roy takes as an invitation. "Blue," He whispers again. It's completely dark outside. I whine as I put my hands on his chest, intending to push him away. Roy steps closer and I whine again.

"Roy..." I whisper again, pleading this time. Roy frowns and kisses me effectively shutting me up. I groan against his mouth and Roy wraps his arms around my waist, stepping closer, closing any distance between us. I tentatively kiss him back and Roy smiles against my mouth. I finally shove him back slowly and Roy's smile drops. "We have to go patrol..." I say quietly. Roy frowns and I turn to grab my suit.

"Except we don't know what we're looking for?" Roy points out. I roll my eyes and pull out Felicity's computer. "Where did you get that?"

"Plausible deniability, Red. You don't want to know," I mutter. I easily hack into the police scanners and tap them into my headpiece. "Great, so now we go out on patrol and we get live information. Since we don't have Felicity here to help filter things we should be fine," I grab my suit and change quickly before walking out the door.

"Wait just a minute!" Roy shouts as he grabs his bow. He hurries to catch up to me and Roy shoots a grappling hook off the balcony. He hooks an arm around my waist and smirks.

"Really?" I mutter. Roy smirks again and I shake my head.

"Hey we gotta get around somehow," Roy grins. I frown at him and he drags me off the building. We swing across a building and land on the roof. I let myself out of Roy's grip and frown.

"It's a big city... If there's something big we can meet up but I say we split up," I say quickly. I can see Roy's frown even in the dark.

"You sure?"

"Yep, bye!" I sprint away before Roy can say anything. I am a coward, yep. I sprint over the buildings, my mind racing. I almost miss the voice in my ear. "There is a code 211 downtown at Starling National Bank. Be advised the robber has taken hostages," I frown and sprint over to Starling National. I grabbed one of Oliver's old bows on the way out the door. I pull it out and shoot into the upper floor of Starling National. I dive through a window and sneak towards the stairs. Someone bursts through the other window and I point an arrow at them. Roy holds his hands up in defense.

"Don't shoot," He whispers. I glare at him and he starts brooding.

"What are you doing here?"

"Hostage situation? I figured you'd want the help," Roy pouts and I stare at him incredulously. "So babe, where we going?" Roy grins and I glare at him. I turn without a word and stalk through the hallway. I reach the stairs and find someone finally. I easily knock him out. Roy sneaks past me and I glare at his back. He takes out another would-be attacker. I sigh and shoot someone trying to sneak up on Roy. We get downstairs and I finally see the hostages.

"Load it up! Let's go!" I frown at the man that is clearly in charge. "The Arrow is dead, now's the chance. Load it all up," There are at least ten robbers wandering around the bank.

"I take the left, you take the right?" Roy asks, quietly. I nod in agreement and we both sprint out of our hiding places. I pull out my sword and slide under the legs of one of the men and slash my sword at him. The guy collapses and I hit him in the head with the butt of my sword. There is a loud blast over my shoulder and I spin around. The leader is laying on the ground unconscious. I turn to Roy and frown at Palmer. He's in a red and blue exoskeleton. It must be the thing Felicity was talking about. I glance at Roy and he shrugs.

"You seemed like you needed some help," Palmer says quietly. I grit my teeth and stalk out the door silently. I seemed like I needed help? The only thing I need is for Oliver to kill Ra's so I can leave and my stupid emotions will finally settle. I shoot a grappling arrow into a nearby building and allow it to pull me up. I start to stalk away but Palmer lands in front of me. What is it with men being obnoxious today? "You do remember that you have the entire police force hunting you right?" Palmer asks.

I smash a hand on my voice modulator and glare at him. "They were hunting the Arrow. Who's dead so I'm not concerned," Palmer frowns at me and glances at Roy.

"She doesn't like help much," Palmer mutters. I glare at him again and Palmer shrugs. I sigh in irritation and stalk past him. "Hey! I'm trying to help aren't I?"

"I didn't ask for your help, so fuck off," I growl and sprint over the roofs of Starling City. I glare as I stop. I glance around and stare at the once familiar building of Queen Consolidated, now Palmer Technologies. God, I hate that building. I glance at Merlyn Global for a brief minute and sprint off at an attempted murder in my ear. 

Roy's POV: 

I'm really fucking tired of avoiding her problems. Ray stands next to me with a frown. "She really doesn't like help," Ray mutters. 

"She doesn't like people in general," I grunt. I frown as the police scanner sounds in my ear. "I gotta go," I sprint over the roofs and frown as Kayla throws a guy into a wall. "That seems productive," I grunt. Kayla turns and glares at me. "You ok?" I ask dropping next to her. 

"Fine," Kayla snaps. 

"Angel. Talk to me, would you?" I beg as she starts to run away again. 

"Fuck off Arsenal!" Kayla shouts back. She sprints away and I glare at her back.

A/N- sorry for the shorter chapter! I'll try to make it longer next time. Writers blocks a bitch.

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