Chapter 2

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I collapse on my cot in my safe house after Laurel finally told me all the details of Sara's murder and we had a small funeral, burying Sara in her grave from 6 years ago. I drift off to sleep.

3rd person POV:

"Where is she?" Oliver says into a comm hiding in the bunker.

"On a cot right next to the factory," Roy says, watching the unfamiliar face. Mackayla Merlyn was not who he expected her to be and it was throwing him off. "When she said she had a safe house it was a lie,"

"Hit her with the venom first and we'll figure out where to take her from there,"

"She can stay with me," Roy says, surprising everyone with his offer, including himself. Where did that come from?

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah," It's too late for him to back out now. "I can keep an eye on her for you and everyone thinks she's dead so it should work out anyways," Roy rationalizes as he shoots the girl. Once he is sure he hit the mark he swings over and picks her up. He slowly carries her to his house and puts her on the bed opting for the couch. She won't be happy when she wakes up.

Kayla's POV:

I slowly wake up and frown at the headache. I didn't even drink last night... Except for a couple of shots but not enough for a hangover. I sit up and the world spins. I slowly get up and frown in a nearby mirror. This isn't my safe house... I could have sworn I went there last night. Something catches my eye and they widen in realization. "Tibetan venom. What the hell does the League want?" I grab my sword which is nearby and creep through the hallways.

"Try not to kill me, thanks," A familiar voice says. I turn to Red in confusion. "This was Oliver's idea. He didn't believe you when you said you had a place to sleep so... Welcome to my house?" Several things click into place and I put my sword down.

"So you kidnapped me?" I frown. Red opens his mouth to argue and I wait.

"Yeah technically although is it really kidnapping if you're already technically... legally? Dead. This is getting confusing,"

"Poor little Red," I mutter.

"Why do you call me that?" Red asks. I stare pointedly at his sweatshirt and he frowns. "But you know my name,"

"Red seems more accurate,"

"You don't call Oliver Green," Red points out.

"No. I call him Ollie, still a nickname and he has a reason for the green, what's the reason for Red?"

"I like the color..."

"Exactly. So Red...Is there a reason you kidnapped me or did you just do it for fun?" I ask with a smirk.

"I-Oliver thought that you would prefer an actual bed and such..." Red stutters.

"Ok. And why don't I use, I don't know. Oliver's mansion? That no one is staying in right now." I wait and Red frowns.

"Oliver is staying in the foundry. His house got repossessed by Isobel Rochev last year,"

"Fun. Noted, has mine?"


"Merlyn mansion? The one building that no one would probably ever go to because my dead father is a lunatic who destroyed half the Glades... Ring a bell yet?" Red sighs nods.

"That would probably be empty yes,"

"Perfect, I can stay there. Wasn't really planning on staying on a cot for the entirety of my visit. Thanks for the bed though," I quickly walk out the door with a grin. I throw a hoodie over my face and quickly walk out the door. I get maybe two blocks before two guys walk up towards me. I swear to god please don't.

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