Chapter 13

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Manik's pov

I lost her, really lost her. She choose Maddy for the second time, I just painfully watch her walk to the bedroom leaving me behind. I'm weakening, I don't want this anymore. Why? Why did you give up on me Nandini? Am I that heavy burden for you?  A knock from my door occur, I quickly open it without checking who it was.

"Hey! I'm back, anyway is there any food in here?" Alya is standing on my doorstep. I sigh and give her some space to enter my condo; can I tell her about what happen? "Manik? Are you okay?" she asks.

"I'll be lying if I told you that I am" I smile.

"What happen? Where's Nandini?"

"She's in the bedroom. Anyway, can we talk privately?"

"Yes, what's that all about Manik?"

"Not here, let's go at the restaurant across the street" Alya nods and open the door, I wanted to tell Nandini that I'm going to the restaurant with Alya
but I don't want to bother her after the scene.

I don't want to say that it's a mistake because I know that it was my intention, just for a while want her to feel that I love her. Even just for a while. I and Alya arrived at the restaurant; we sat on a table that is beside the window which can make
me look over the building where my condo sits.

The waiter check our table and waiting for our orders. After we chose the food that we want, the waiter left us.

"So, what's this story about?" Alya

I look at her and sigh, I don't know if it's alright if she will change my place as Nandini's business partner. I mean after what happen in the condo, like maybe there will be an awkward atmosphere between me and Nandini and it might be the reason why we couldn't work properly.

"Manik? Tell me, is there any scenes that happen between the two of you?" she again snaps. I look away from her but despite all attempts I know Alya that much. She knows if I'm lying or not.

"Yes" I whisper. She gasps with horror, damn it! I just hug her that's all.

"What did you do? Did you-"

"Stop it ok? I just hug her; I'm so desperate about her and Maddy!" I calmly say.

"So that's what you wanted to tell me this very whole time?" she pouts. Then, I slight smile erupts on my face.

"Unfortunately, no" I smirk and she exhale a relief.

"Then, that's good because I'm not that type of advice giver you know" she smirk back.

"That's why you're the one I wanted to talk to because I'm not asking some advice. Anyway, I just want to you
know. I just..."

"Get to the point you big head!" she smile.

"Wait, I'm nervous on asking you about this huge favor because you might..."

"Say it!" she snaps which makes me nervous more. Is she crazy?

"I want you to take my place as Nandini's business partner" I told her straight away holding my breath and make her throw the water on my face.

"I'm sorry, you surprise me. What did you just say?" she gasps.

"You heard me clearly so don't make me say it again, I don't want to be wet!" I snap while wiping my face.

"Why? Your dad and mom told you that you should teach Nandini how to run a business" she reminded me. I never think of that, well maybe now I remember

"You can do it! I teach You all the things about running a business. You can teach her" I said seriously.

"You just can't back out now Manik, how about Nandini's feelings about this sudden-"

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