Chapter 6

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We arrived at Nandini's house, I woke her up. She woke up but still weak and dizzy! Duh!

She drank a lot tonight! She's not a drinker you know. I assist her to her bedroom; she lay down without changing clothes! Ugh! That's what drunk people do.

I go back downstairs and grab a drink to my surprise I saw Nandini standing in the hallway.

"Hey?" I yelled.

"Fuck you! You're drinking here and leaving me there? How unfair!" she mumbled.

"Why you want to drink?" I smirked.

"Yeah! Drinking is great!" she laughed like a crazy person.

Now she's totally drunk but well I'm not worried we're in her house anyway!

"Hey! Can we just drink inside my bedroom! Kitchen is boring you know" she stated.

"Okay!" I agreed. I grab 12 beers and I followed her walking to her bedroom the funny thing is she walks like a crazy one! HAHAHAHAHA!

As we enter her bedroom she turn the lights off and turn on the lamp! So it's kinda semi-dark.

We both sat down and grab a beer, she turn on her television and we watch a comedy show!

"Hey! I'll grab popcorn from downstairs" I said.

"Sound great!" she nodded.

I ran quickly at the kitchen and look for the popcorn box! AHA! Found it! I put in the microwave oven and wait for it to be finished. After I put the
popcorn in the bowl I walked straight away to her bedroom and as I arrived l saw her laying down the bed laughing! Ugh!

My best friend is so crazy for the ninth time!

"Here's the popcorn" I shouted.

"Now you're here, I'm dying to eat popcorn!" she responded.

I grab another beer and she did the same.

"Hey, don't drink too much" I warned.

"Why so worry my dear best friend?" she smirked.

Wait? She just called me her best friend? I smiled at her and she looked a little confused.

"What? Why are you smiling?" she

"You just call me your best friend again" I explained.

"Weirdo! You're always my best friend!" she stated.

We both grabbed popcorn and unexpectedly we stare each other that our faces were So close and I could feel her breath.

We didn't move until we slowly leaned to each other. We started kissing and our lips were moving in perfect shape, it's like prefect for each other. I gently lay her down in the bed while she's snaking her arms to my neck. I feel a heat coming from our bodies; she wraps her legs on my waist and I started kissing her from her forehead down to her nose, lips, neck and to her collar bone and sucked it. She moaned and amazingly whispers my name and it turns me really on.

"Nandu" I whisper.

"Hmmm" she muttered.

"You're turning me on" I smirked.

"Whatever" she smiled.

I crawl down to her breast and suck them and again she moaned. She slowly takes off my shirt while I unbutton her pants. Now I'm on top of her and we're both half naked.

I sucked gently her breast again and trace a kiss down to her panties; I slowly took it off revealing her
pussy I started sucking it gently and she moaned then I realized she's still a virgin! I crawl back to her ear and asked

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