It's already morning and I'm tired to get up, I'm still pissed off about Nandu calling me a jerk! Well, I know I'm a jerk but only to her! The truth is, I don't know If I love her or not or whatever! So until I can't make up my mind I will hesitate to get involved into a romance relationship that may tear not only our friendship but rather our families' closeness as well! I try to get up on the bed only to find a piece of sticky note beside the clock and it says:

I'm going to feel some fresh air! Don't go look for me! Nana is with you!

I crumpled the sticky note and throw it on the floor; I walked to the bathroom and do my stuff.

After I finished making myself look presentable I heard a weird knock on the door. As I open it Nana is standing nervously in front of me.

"What's the matter Nana?" I asked confusingly. "An accident, Na..Nandini-" I didn't let her finish the
sentence instead I grab her arm and lead her to my car.

"Where is she?" I asked panicky.

"Hospital" Nana replied.

She told me the direction which I seriously followed, about a 20 minutes of drive we arrived in the hospital. I went straight to the reception
area and ask

"Where can I find Nandini Murtiy?"

"Oh! The new patient, she's in the room 38A" the nurse said.

I even forgot to thank her because I
freak out mixed up with confusion. Nana was the one who go back to the Reception area and thank the nurse, as I was about to open the room of Nandu's room when  I heard a boy's voice.

I open the door only to see her sleeping and a guy who is sweating like a pig and the doctor. "Are you the family of this girl?" the doctor asked.

"Just a family friend, we're here
for a vacation" I stated.

I sat down beside Her who was still unconscious.

"What happen to her?" I ask. "Well, she fell off the crick luckily this handsome young man was walking there and save the day" the doctor replied.

"Will she be alright?" I ask.

"Yeah, she can go home when she'll wake up" the doctor said.

"Thanks for your help" I turned to the

"No worries, anyone would do that-" he didn't finish the sentence because of Nandu who woke up confusingly.

"Where am I?" she stated.

"Hospital" I answered.

"Where is the guy who saved me?" she

"Hey! Uhm now that you're up and in the good hands well, I want to say I better be going now" the guy replied.

"Wait! I owe you my life, what's your name?" She asks back, as if I'm not in
the room.

The doctor cleared his throat which was a sign that he must leave and be right back after the conversation, I nod and he evaporates.

"Maddy!" the boy said.

"Huh?" I hissed.

"My name is Maddy" he smiled.

"Well, thanks again Maddy!" She

"Well, I guess I better get going" Maddy bid.

"Wait! Can I invite you tomorrow? Go fishing?" She asks.

Well! Hello! I'm over here, can't you see it?

"I don't know, maybe?" He replied.

"Oh well, I'm going to wait! You know where" She smiled.

"What about your boyfriend?" Maddy nod at me.

"We're just friends" she and I replied quickly.

"Sounds good, do you mind if I'll invite some of my friends?" he asks.

GREAT! He's not stepping the line

"Of course, meeting new people is good!" Nandu smiled.

"Uhm! Ok then, I have to go! My mom's gonna be sick looking for me" he bid.

He walked towards the door and glanced once more, he close the door gently.

"What's up with you?" I mumbled.

"Why you care?" she replied angrily.

"Are you mad?" I asked.

"No! Why would I be mad? We're friends right? And nothing more!" she replied.

I was so pissed off! And now she's doing some innocent actions?!

"Well, I'm fine! You can go back to the safe house. After all, it's not your obligation to look after me" she faced away from me and sighs.

I walk outside and head to the cafeteria just to refresh my mind.

Alina ❤

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