New Beginnings: A New Era

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POV: Brooklyn "The thing worth holding on to would not have let go" - A quotes from Milk and Honey Summer #3

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POV: Brooklyn
"The thing worth holding on to would not have let go" - A quotes from Milk and Honey
Summer #3

The word vibrated between us, swallowing up whatever reconnection we had earlier.

There's a flash of something unrecognizable before Valentino's body stills. It's only then that I realize how close our bodies are, with my back pressed against the car and his body mere inches between mine.

I'll just have to learn to move forward a little for us to be chest-chest, and it bothers me. So much so that I turn my head away from his because if I look back in those eyes, I'll take back everything I just said.

I see the hurt in his eyes, and something tugs at a part of me that I thought was left on his office floor that night. I want to trust him, but I also don't want to get heartbroken again or forget what happened because it changed me forever.

Valentino exhaled and closed his eyes. He closes the millimeter between us and presses his forehead against mine. My eyes close on their own accord too, and my hands itch to wrap themselves around his neck, but I stop myself. I can practically feel Val's self-restraint pouring from his body as he tries not to touch me too.

His next words come out in a whisper: "Let me show you. Show you how much it hurts to not have you by my side or hear your every laughter. Let me show how far I'm willing to go to be yours again, Brooklyn. I'm not asking for your trust, but your faith in me."

"Do you have faith in me?" The question weighs in between the last one and this one, but this time it isn't tainted with bad memories. Only ones when Valentino always showed up for me no matter what. I may not be ready to fully trust Val, but I do have faith in him. There's a difference.


Valentino withdraws his head from mine and leads me farther into the woods, like nothing happened.

Typical boy behavior

Once we reach a certain point, he turns around and shifts a little. It's the first time I've seen Valentino nervous, and anticipation gnaws at whatever he has planned: "I know you don't want to be blindfolded, but can you close your eyes for a bit?"

With a shaky breath, I close my eyes and let him lead me into oblivion. Confusion casts across my face as I feel the ground go from sticks and rocks to wood. "Wha-?" The last part of the word ends in a gasp as I see the scene before me.

Fairy lights wrap around the beams of the plank we're on.

A boat in the lake

And a million light lanterns around us.

I spin around, taking in the scenery in disbelief. It was a replica of my favorite scene from Tangled, where Rapunzel and Flin had their first kiss. Ever since I was a little girl, I have always dreamed of doing the same.

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