Mrs.Morelli knows best

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POV: Valentino "Maybe it's not about the happy ending, maybe it's about the story

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POV: Valentino
"Maybe it's not about the happy ending, maybe it's about the story."
Summer #3

Temptation is the purest sin.

Faced with the opportunity, the strongest man couldn't resist his darkest desires: "I'm Adam, fooled by my lover into taking the fruit, the forbidden," into my mouth. She draws me into my inevitable doom, and like Adam, I follow right after her.

I don't regret it, and I never will.

When I saw Brooklyn passed out on my porch, a part of me was excited. It was like the gods delivered her to my door, wrapped in a big red ribbon just for me, I felt like this was it.  That she came to my house, to me, after being away for long, but with every gift the gods give also comes a curse.

She is a Pandora's box, her words releasing the pain and hate from that night every time we talk. If Brooklyn can't move past what happened before she leaves, then I might lose her forever.

As soon as the thought hits me, I'm almost blown out of my chair. I need to figure out a way to get her to see what we were like before that day. I need her to see us.

With my mind racing, I get out of my chair and start pacing back and forth. I've always been able to figure out a way to solve a problem, whether it be investments or my damn sink leaking. I've always had a plan, and I think I may have one now.

To get Brooklyn to see past everything that happened, I will have to get her to physically see everything we've been through. Our past, present, and future

I need just one week to prove to her that we aren't over yet.

that as long as I'm breathing, I will never stop being there for her, but in the back of my mind, I know that you can't run into the future without confronting the past.

I know that I will have to tell her everything, starting with why I killed my father.


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Summer #3

I'm being held hostage.

The monster has me stuck on a chair at the kitchen table, forcing me to eat, and the worst part is that it enjoys it.

"Make sure you eat your orange slices too," Val's mom called out over the newspaper in her hand that she is "reading", but I know that she is using the newspaper to hide the smile on her face.

Mrs. Morelli is horrible at hiding her excitement that I'm back. I don't think she knows about the passed out on the porch part, but it doesn't matter because she thinks me and Valentino are back together.

When she found Valentino and I in the room, she gasped and then broke out into girlish giggles, repeating "I knew it".  Valentino took it as a sign to leave and headed to his office, leaving me stranded in the room, not knowing what to do.

I stayed.

My heart chained my body down to the hardwood floors, making it physically impossible to leave, until Mrs. Morelli dragged me out for lunch.

"Don't you any cereal," I whined to her like a little kid; I hated blueberries more than anything.

Mrs. Morelli sighed, getting up out her wooden rocking chair to slap a box of Pan di Stelle in front of my plate of fruits.

When I reached out to pour the cereal, she swiped the cereal out of my reach, eyes narrowing, "You and Valentino."

Playing dumb, I shrugged my shoulders and asked, "What?"

Mrs. Morelli started slapping with her rolled up newspaper," Stop playing dumb girl you know what I am talking about." 

"I don't know; after what happened, I don't know if I could move on."

She just heavily sighed and sat across from me, stealing my plate of fruit.

"You kids now in days, expecting love to be perfect, y'all know nothing about hard work. You've known Valentino since he was fifteen, so you know that he would never hurt you. "Did you even ask for his side of the story?"

I just shook my head.

Another sigh.

"And all this talk about the past—how do you expect to even move on if you're focusing so much on the past?" Brooklyn, love, if you really wanted to move on, you wouldn't be here. not in Italy or even in my house. Real love is messy. This person will drive you crazy, consuming your thoughts. They would pull you in a million directions, and you will wonder if it's even worth it, if it's worth fighting for, but it's always worth it in the end, Bella, and you must realize that once you throw something like that away, there is no going back."

I'm no longer eating my cereal because I know that Val's mom is right. I only have a limited amount of time in Italy, and I can't spend it sulking around, blaming Val for the situation or my problems.

I need to get my sh*t together; maybe I will have to work slowly, but I do know that this is my life, my BS, my story, and for the first time I'm going to rewrite it.

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