Chapter 35:Embedded deep

Start from the beginning

This is the last song I'll like to listen to right now considering the deep lyrics of the song.

Indeed right now, my heart is a stereo beating for the wrong person.

I heard giggles and sound of the ship crossing the Sea making me to look briefly at the passing Ship before my eyes darted back to the sky only to realize how bright it is already.

I stood up and found my way back to the Resort as the last thing I want right now is for someone to recognize me or me seeing my name at the morning Tabloids.

I held the knuckles to the penthouse house door tightly.

Am I really ready to face her this morning? I never regretted last night in fact it was the best moment of my life but I can't go down that lane again.

I twisted the door knuckles gently as unfortunately for me, She was there standing all hot and beautiful in a towel.

I felt my groin growled but I had to control myself.

Damn it! Why did she have to look this hot!  I really tried to stare at anything but her as I made my way to the mirror side only for her eyes to land on mine.

My body tensed, what the fuck is wrong with me? Acting like a high school kid...

"Good morning" she stated softly and it was enough to send twinkles down my spine.


I nodded briefly heading towards the side table to get my watch and trying so hard to maintain my composure.

"Are you going somewhere?" She said again and I didn't miss the tantalizing sparks that Ignited within me.

I nodded again afraid I might utter the wrong word if I dare to speak.

She has occupied my brain more than I expected and I need to end it as soon as possible.

""The chauffeur will bring in your food and you'll change into that dress" I stated pointing towards the sofa where I had a dress ordered this morning ignoring her former question.

"Are you going somewhere?"She repeated but this time, I didn't miss the irritation beneath her voice and it broke my heart to see her that way but I had to do this.

I glanced briefly at her side and realized she was still on her towel and it was bad for my mental self right now if I don't want to wake the devil in me.

"Put on something" I urged her trying to divert my eyes away from her tanning skin. Goddammit! Stefano get hold of yourself.

"Stefano Alcantara!!!" She snapped irately but damn it I found that act so sexy at the moment.

I tried to stare at anywhere but her but it was so impossible but I have to end this.

" I'm leaving back to...

"New York?" She cut me off exasperatedly.

I shut my eyes tightly and I know I will regret the next thing I'll say right now but I have to say it for the both of us. I can't be a prawn again.

"Look Yesterday was fun...

Before I could finish my statement, I felt a burning hit on my face.

I was supposed to be angry but I felt peace. This had to stop. Being together is impossible... I don't want to enter that phase again.

I really wanted her to continue hitting me to bring me back to my senses of not falling for her again.

If that slap will make her feel better then I'm ready to receive as many as she utters to also bring back my sanity.

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