It was strange. In all daily occurrences of her job, she could maintain her composure. She'd seen disembowelments, dismembered corpses, crying children turned to ash and was always able to remain calm.

But in something like this?

She didn't know. It was like she had this deep-seated fear that everyone around her was going to die.

"Jesus, Lady!" The blond man pulled himself out of the indentation his body had made with the earth. "Let me talk--" She sped toward him with her fist reared back, unleashing all the energy she'd stored up from her last battle.

"Okay, guess we're fighting now! Alright, let's not talk things out like adults!" The blond man chided as he pulled a sword hilt from his waist.

She gave him a quizzical look, as if to ask, "How are you planning to fight with no blade?"

The man raised the hilt. There was a stirring in the air, like metal grinding against metal, and suddenly shadows formed into the shape of a blade on his hilt.

So... A Hades Type.

If this man truly was an Omega, then they'd undoubtedly be evenly matched in combat. She'd always wondered what that would be like. Fighting against someone who could actually put up a decent fight.

Oh, please. You know how this is gonna' end. You hail from Zeus, the most powerful of the Gods. One of your powers is absorption and conversion of all types of energy. His attacks will be useless.

"Let's get this over with, asshole!" Tempest snapped, her anger fueled even more as she glanced at the pale Artemis, fresh blood leaking from the wound in her head.

Tempest crouched, then jumped, the power of which leaving a small crater where her feet had been. She flew into the air so fast that the air pressure below her altered drastically, like an inconceivably large vacuum sucking the air upward at super-speed.

The blond man summoned shadows around his booted feet. They formed into a two-dimensional spiral, then rose rapidly like a spring, launching him toward her with his blade reared back, ready to slash.

Tempest sent a blast of kinetic energy out of her hand, narrowly dodging his swipe and used the momentum to twist into a heel-strike kick to his lower back.

The blow sent the man tumbling back into the ground.

With an angry roar, Tempest aimed her body like a missile at the man, her boots colliding with his abdomen. Dust rose around them, and when it cleared, the pale skin of the man's face was constricted in pain. Blood seeped from his mouth and rolled across the various ugly scars that marred him.

"Damn, Woman, you're tough." He snapped his fingers and then he phased into the ground, vanishing before her very eyes.

Density Shifting?

Yeah, now there's no doubt.

All Godkin below Omega only had one power of their respective lineage, unless they were a Bane. However, an Omega like her had multiple abilities that fell under their lineage.

So, this guy's either a Bane, like Artemis, or an Omega like me.

"I've never had this much of a challenge fighting someone that wasn't my brother."

The man reappeared several feet in front of her, clutching his side. She glared daggers at him, fist clenched. Her glove groaned in protest.

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