Ch 12.

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Sam's Pov:

Well my life's gone to shit. I got arrested, lost my bestfriend, and any chance I had with Y/n. Damnit why did I have to kill people. At least the evidence disappeared and I was allowed to get out of jail because they couldn't get a case. After all of that I decided to try and change but it wasn't long until I failed. It was when I was following Y/n home one night, this guy hit on her in a sexual way and tried to harass her and it just set me off. I pulled my black hood over my head and walked up to the guy. "Hey man, you wanna know what happens to people like you?" I asked the man, "Hey bro, I don't want any trouble." The man said, slowly backing away, "Oh but you were looking for it and now you've got it." I said as I came up behind him, knife in hand. In a fast and swift motion, I stabbed him in the side. Not anywhere near a vital spot of course, I like to play and torture men like him before I killed them. If you really look on the bright side, I was doing the world a favor. Anyways, I dragged him back to this cage thing I had hidden in a safe location where nobody would find it. The cage was glass all around with small holes for air to get in. There was only a way in but no way out. Well, there was one way out but that was only through a key that I kept on me at all times. I started pacing as the guy slowly came to and suddenly became panicked. "Where am I? What have you done to me?!" The man said as he banged on the glass. Oh, did I mention the cage was soundproof? The only person who could hear him was me. "All I've done is stab you and put you in a soundproof cage. Go on, yell all you want, nobody can hear you for miles." I said with a smirk, "Do you have any idea of what I'm gonna do to you?" I asked, my smirk growing, "First, I'm gonna starve you, then I'm gonna make you go crazy and I'm gonna do to you what you did to her." I said as I walked closer to the cage, "Just let me out of here man! I promise I'll never try to assault another person again!" He screamed, "No see that's the funny thing about men like you, you never stop. But that's okay, I'm gonna make sure you can NEVER do anything like that again." I said as I opened the cage. I had the guy tied to a chair so he couldn't get out. "What're you gonna do to me man?" I sighed, this guy was annoying, "I already told you, I'm going to fix it so you never assault another person again." I said as I grabbed a saw from a table outside the cage. I tied the guy's mouth shut and  put some gloves on. I stripped him naked from the waist down. "This is what bad men like you get." I said as I started the saw. The man squirmed and struggled which made it all the more fun for me to do this. I put the saw right up to his dick and chopped it clean off, blood splattering everywhere as the man screamed. "Shhhh now, it's going to be okay." I told him as he started to pass out from the blood loss. Oh but I wasn't done with him yet. I patched him up so he wouldn't lose anymore blood and walked out of the cage to clean up. Thank God I had brought a change of clothes with me. I walked back into the room to find the man awake again. "Oh goodie, you're awake. Now you can watch as I sit here eat while you get no food or water." I said, a large evil smile on my face as I took a bite of my food. "You sick bastard! Someone will find me!" He yelled, "Nobody's coming for you, Steve. Everyone thinks you're dead." I said, laughing evilly. I found out a lot about Steve while he was asleep. Steve was a wanted man, wanna know what he was wanted for? Sexual assault and rape on multiple accounts. Nobody was going to miss him. His ex-wife left him years ago and get this, his children didn't even know he existed. He lived alone in an apartment which I was sure to use his hand while he was sleeping to write a suicide note saying he was going to jump off of a cliff somewhere and that was where I planned to dump the body after I was done with him. "That's not true.. I have friends who will find me!" He yelled again, "Oh Steve, nobody will ever find you." I said, getting up to throw my food away. "Damn, I bet you wish you could have some of this food, don't you Stevie boy?" I said, laughing again, "You bastard! Let me out!" He yelled but I ignored him and sat him back down. "Hmm, what to do with you? How about we play a game? If I win, you die and if you win, you go free. That sound good?" I asked. He thought about it for a moment but eventually he agreed to my terms. "What game?" He asked, "Rock, paper, scissors." I said, a smirk crawling on my face, "Okay." He replied, "Alright best of 3." I said as I got up and walked closer to the cage. "Rock, paper, scissors!" We said in sync. I got the first point. "Again, Rock, paper, scissors!" We said again. I was beating him 2 to 0. "One more point and I win." I said, my smirk growing wider, "Rock, paper, scissors!" We both said and I got the last point. The funny part was when I won how Steve's face went pale like a ghost. "Oh don't worry Stevie, I'll make it quick." I said as I went to stab him. Little did I know, he was able to get free. He almost escaped too but I got to him before he could. "Where do you think you're going?" I asked. I didn't give him any time to speak because I stabbed him in his vital spot on his neck before he had the chance. He tried to fight me but in the end I was the one who won. I cleaned up the mess and prepared to dump his body. After I dumped his body, I went home to get a good night's sleep, what a rush today was but at least I know this world is rid of one less criminal. 

A/n: Holy shit guys! Hi! I hear some of you are enjoying my story and it's gave me motivation to write more so, thank you! I love you all so and I can't wait to write more! See you in the next chapter!

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