Ch 10.

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My Pov:

2 years had gone by. The demon hadn't left Sam but instead, it got angrier. Over the years, Mas killed like over 100 people. And he somehow kept it from Y/n and Colby. Until now.

Y/n's Pov:

"What happened?" I calmly asked Sam who was covered in blood and shaking on the floor. "I don't know." Sam said, fear clearly present on his face. "Sam who's blood is that?" I asked, still trying to stay calm. "I need you to try to remember, okay?" I said, putting my hand on Sam's shoulder. Sam took a deep, shaky breath before he spoke, "It's Colby's." He said, "Okay, calmly tell me what happened?" I said, sitting beside him, "Colby and I were just having a normal conversation and then I blacked out.," Sam started, "I don't remember what happened next and I don't even know if he's okay. Y/n I'm so sorry I didn't tell you I was blacking out still and it only got worse over the years.." Sam explained. I placed my hand on his cheek and gently rubbed my thumb across it, "It's okay Sam. It's not your fault however, if you don't try and go find Colby you could be in deep trouble. And let's hope Mas didn't cause you to-" I was about to say kill him but when Sam bursted into tears, it broke me. "Let's go find him, okay?" I said, rubbing circles on Sam's back. Sam nodded and slowly stood up to go change and shower. We had to be fast because there was no telling what Mas had done so we decided to search on foot. Luckily Colby wasn't far. We opened Colby's apartment to find him laying on the floor with multiple cuts and wounds on him. I ran over to him and checked his pulse and I could feel one but it was faint so we needed to act quick. Luckily, I had chosen my 1st career path as a nurse practitioner and had a bachelors degree in medicine and doctoring before I worked as an employee at Hot Topic because I was too lazy to be a doctor and the thought of germs scared me to death but right now was a matter of life or death. "Sam I need you to listen okay, I need you to grab a med kit from wherever Colby keeps them and bring them to me, okay?" I asked and Sam nodded and ran to get the med kit Colby kept in case of emergency. "Okay now help me get him into the tub, we need to clean his wounds without making more of a mess." And once again, Sam nodded and he helped me move Colby and undress him. Luckily, Colby didn't have wounds down there. I cleaned the wounds as fast as I could and dressed them. We were lucky we had gotten there just in time. After I had finished dressing Colby's wounds, I put shorts and a loose t-shirt on him, both of which Sam brought me. Sam helped me carry Colby to his bed and we both sat there and waited for him to wake up. "Is Mas at bay for now?" I asked Sam who was lost in thought, "Yea but I don't know for how long.." Sam said, going off into thought again. I patted Sam's shoulder and we both just looked at Colby for a while.

-about 2:30 A.M.-

"What the hell?!" Colby said as he shot up, instantly wincing in pain and falling back down. "Easy there Colby. You were badly injured and I patched you up." I said, getting up from a chair and walking up to him. "All I can remember is Sam and me arguing over yo- yogurt and then he attacked me." Colby said, "That wasn't Sam.." I said, "It was Mas. He somehow came back." Sam was in another room so I was able to talk to Colby without Mas trying to listen through Sam. "I figured as much. Sam would never hurt me." Colby said, wincing in pain again. "I should redo your bandages again." I said as I grabbed the med kit. This was gonna be a long night. 


Sam's Pov:

I was fixing a snack in Colby's kitchen when I heard him and Y/n talking. Good, he was okay. Thank God for Y/n being here. I should tell her about the day we met and how it wasn't on coincidence. I had been stalking her for my next kill. Yes, me. There is no Mas, only Sam. There never was a Mas. I made him up. It's been me all along. Colby almost dying was an accident but the others weren't. I purposely killed Katrina and all of those other victims just because I wanted to. I took pleasure in killing them. They were too pretty and attractive to let live. But Y/n, she's different. Something about her just makes me all giddy inside and it just makes me want to be around her and never lose her. See, I did like all those other people but, they were nothing compared to Y/n, no, they weren't even close. I came back in Colby's room to find him asleep and Y/n was, COMBING HER HAND THROUGH HIS HAIR?! I was so jealous of him right now, getting all of her attention that he didn't deserve. That should be ME who's hair she's rubbing her hand through. Oh well, she might hate me soon anyway. "Hey Y/n, can we talk?" I asked her, taking a bite of my snack, "Yeah sure just not in here." She said and I nodded. We walked into Colby's living room and sat on his couch. "Y/n there's something I have to tell you." I started, "The day we met, wasn't a coincidence. I had been stalking you. I've taken a liking to you over these years Y/n and you may hate me after telling you this but I'm the one who's been doing the killings, not Mas. I made him up so you wouldn't be scared of me. It's been me this whole time. I'm sorry." I said. I watched as Y/n's doe eyes turned into frightful ones. She stood up and sat in a chair away from me. She probably couldn't believe I had done something so sinister and it probably ate her up inside. 

Y/n's Pov:

Did he tell me what I think he just told me? Is he really a killer? But I like him, like a lot, and I don't want it to be true. Although, judging from the look he's giving me, it is. Damnit Sam why, why'd you have to be this way. And why do I still want to be with you so badly even after you've told me all of this. To think, I've been hanging out with a serial killer this whole time. "Sam I-" I was about to say but was interrupted by police knocking down the door.

A/n:  CLIFHANGERRRRRRRRRRRR!!! All my stupid acrylic nails are off now and I'm able to write again so guess what that means, MORE CHAPTERS!!! I can't wait for the next one and feel free to tell me what you think is gonna happen. Until then my dear readers.

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