Ch 7.

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Y/n's Pov: 

After whatever that was took ahold of Sam and then let him go we booked it from that place. We went to the hospital with Sam and they said he was fine but that he wouldn't wake up for a couple of hours and he's gonna have a massive headache. After the hospital released Sam we all went back to our hotel room.  Colby and I took turns watching over Sam and getting food and drinks until he woke up. 

Sam's Pov: 

"I've got you now little Sammy." the demon said, "No you don't, you have NO control over me. You let me go back there at that house and you released your hold on me. I have the control right now." I  said, "That's what you think Sam but that's where you're wrong. I can take control anytime I want." it said, "Yeah okay we'll see about that." I said before I felt my eyes start to flutter open.

Y/n's Pov:

I saw Sam's eyes start to open slowly. "What happened?" He asked as he slowly sat up and grabbed his head, "Well the doctors say you'll be fine and that you're gonna have a headache for a couple days." I said, "Yeah no shit, my head is killing me." He said with a groan. I gave him a small smile and grabbed him some water and painkillers the dr prescribed him. "Thanks." He said as he took the pills with water. Soon after, Colby came back with food and drinks and gave Sam a huge hug. "I'm so glad you're okay man!" Colby said, "You and me both Colbs." Sam said as Colby tightened his grip and then let go after a few seconds. "So I booked us a couple more nights for Sam to rest and us to have some fun." Colby said as he sat the pizza on the counter we had and the drinks in the fridge. After a couple hours, Sam, Colby, and I were watching something on TV when we heard a knock on the door. "Room service." A woman's voice said from behind the door, "We're good thanks." Colby said and the lady went away. A few more hours later we all decided to go check the pool. Luckily I knew we'd be staying at a hotel so I brought my bikini swimsuit. I was the last to get changed and I met the boys down at the pool. They had paid someone to decorate it for us so it was like we were partying. "Who's up for some relaxation and drinks?" Colby asked with his big smile, "Woo yeah!" I exclaimed as I jumped in the pool. "Woooo!!" Sam and Colby said in unison. When I came up from under the water we were all laughing and smiling and having such a good time. I swam over to Sam and Colby and held onto the wall to keep myself from going under. "So Y/n, do you drink?" Colby asked as he took a sip of his White Claw. "Very little." I said. I'm like the biggest lightweight in the universe. Okay probably not the universe but I was a huge lightweight. "Want a drink?" Colby asked, "Yeah have a drink Y/n!" Sam said. Me, being the person I am, gave in to the peer pressure and took a drink. I decided to drink a peach cocktail with a hint of vanilla and a cute little pink paper parasol sitting on the top of the glass. I sipped on the drink while Sam and Colby talked about what they were gonna do about the video. Sam decided to go to the lounge that the hotel had and grab a snack and left me and Colby at the pool. Remember earlier when I said I was a lightweight? Well I was correct. "He Colby so what if we all just fell off the world right now?" I asked him, clearly drunk. "Well we'd probably die in space." He replied. I could tell he was a little drunk. Anyone else notice how cute Colby is or is that just me? I think it's just me. Maybe I'm too drunk? "I'm gonna go up." I told Colby as I climbed out of the pool but then I realized I couldn't walk. I tried to stand up and I instantly fell over onto one of the lounge chairs. "You alright?" Colby asked, "I'm fine." I said, clearly not fine. "No you're not, you're drunk." Colby said, "No I'm not, shut up!" I said. Colby just laughed and climbed out of the pool to help me get to the room. He picked me up from the lounge chairs and carried me bridal style all the way until we got to the room. 

Sam's Pov: 

I went back out to the pool with snacks and couldn't find Y/n or Colby. "Where are they?" I said out loud to myself. They were probably in the room. I bet Y/n got really drunk and couldn't walk and judging by the lounge chairs, I was right. I decided I'd go up and see about her and make sure she was okay. 

Y/n's Pov:

Colby laid me down on the bed and then laid next to me. I was blushing because of the alcohol but also because of a very hot man next to me. Sam and Colby were both hot as fuck and I don't know who I like more Sam or Colby. Colby and I started talking and making some VERY sexual jokes. I was rolling around so hard laughing that I caused me and Colby to fall on the floor. Colby was on top of me and I didn't know what to think. We were both drunk and it kind of just happened. Colby picked me up and placed me on the bed again and climbed on top of me.

Sam's Pov:

I had finally reached the room and I unlocked the door with my keycard. "Hey guys I got-" I started to say but then I dropped everything. I saw a sight I didn't need to see. I saw my best friend on top of the girl I liked. I slammed the door shut and started to walk downstairs to the lobby.

Y/n's POv:

Shit! Sam walked in on us. I was completely sober after that. I ran out of the room to find him, leaving Colby there by himself. "Sam wait!" I called out to him, "What?" Sam said, his voice laced with anger, "I don't know what you think you saw but we weren't doing anything I swear." I said, "Oh yeah sure, my best friend on top of you and kissing you? You call that nothing?" Sam said, anger now visible on his face and in his tone, "Well, no, but, we were both drunk and it kind of just happened." I said. I don't even remember how it happened. All I remember is Colby brought me up from the pool and then we were talking. "Sam I'm sorry, I don't know why you're so pissed though but can you please forgive us? Please don't leave." I said, tears threatening to come out of my eyes, "Whatever." Sam said. I nodded and Sam and I quietly went up to the room. Colby was still there but he had changed into a regular pair of pants and a hoodie now. "Sam I'm so sorry." Colby said but Sam just shook his head, "It's okay man, you were drunk and you can't really control what happens when the alcohol takes over." Sam said, a lot more calm now, "So we're good?" Colby asked, "We're good." Sam said giving Colby a small smile. For the rest of the night we all just shared the bed and watched TV until we fell asleep.

A/n: OMGGGG!! Drama! Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I am not as busy today so I might be able to get the next chapter today as well. Also, I wanna let you all know, there will be a fight in the near future over Y/n. Colby likes Y/n and so does Sam. The question is, will other Sam like Y/n too? Maybe. Who knows? Oh wait, I do lol. Anyways, see you all in the next chapter!!

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