Chapter 10: Hard-Headed Steeling

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"Little Champion"

Chapter 10: Hard-Headed Steeling

Throughout the following morning, the excitement among Galway's citizens was readily apparent by how everyone talked about each of the matches, and of how long the lineup was in front of the coliseum's front gates. It could have potentially turned into a frenzy if Medb's Braves were not around to quietly intimidate the spectators into behaving. It didn't help that scalpers were making a steady profit from illegally selling counterfeit tickets at inflated prices in back corner alleys, meaning the organizers had to work even more diligently to flush out the fake entries from the genuine ones. Even the nobles' quarters were bustling with activity as the wealthier citizens placed bets and debated on who the newest Champion was going to be.

Despite the obvious crime and corruption surrounding the event, none of that seemed to matter to Conall. Sure, he was nervous about losing in front of so many people, but when he heard about what happened to Connla the previous evening, his anxiety disappeared as he grew apoplectic for her sake.

"What the hell!?" he shouted at the Brave who was making the report. "How could you guys let that piece of shit target children like that right under your noses!? Aren't you Braves supposed to be watching out for your citizens, or are you just glorified cult members who only obey your queen!?"

"The culprit has been apprehended and is currently being interrogated," the Brave said, fully brushing aside Conall's furious questions. "There will no longer be any threat of that man harming the populace. By my estimation, he will be executed for his present crime as well as to atone for the culmination of his previous misdeeds."

"That's not the point! Sure, you nabbed one guy, but what about the rest of them!? I thought Galway was supposed to represent the best of Ireland's culture and civilization! As far as I can tell, it's showing me nothing but the worst!"

"Our prerogative is not to flout any sort of culture or civilization. It is to protect Galway as the queen deems fit. Any sort of criminal activity that may take place will be handled at her discretion."

"By the gods, don't you have even a single thought of your own!? No wonder this city's gone to hell! Its protectors are too busy kissing their queen's feet!"

Connla grabbed Conall's arm and implored, "Please, stop! No one got hurt, and the culprit is facing his justice! Shouldn't that be enough for you!?"

"... Tch!" Conall spat to the side and stormed away from the Brave, with Connla following him. Once they were out of earshot, he cursed aloud, "They're all so fucking useless! If I didn't have to fight my matches, I would have abandoned this godforsaken dump a long time ago!"

"But you said you wanted to become a Champion so you could make a difference somehow. Why not see this as an opportunity to improve Galway's safety so stuff like that doesn't happen again?" she asked.

"Well... you may be right. I just don't think it's going to be so easy when everyone has to take orders from a queen who cares more about pampering herself than managing her country."

"Yes, I'm aware it won't happen right away. But wouldn't it be foolish to just walk away from it all after making such a declaration? Or were you lying to me, and your hatred of Connacht is more important than following your dream?"

"Gh..." Conall flinched. "Of course I wasn't lying. I just sort of feel... conflicted."

Connla took a moment to ponder what she would say next. Eventually, she replied, "Either way, you won't get anywhere if you wind up losing the tournament. How about you focus on that first, and then worry about the rest later?"

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