Chapter 3: Coronation of Taoide Olc

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"Little Champion"

Chapter 3: Coronation of Taoide Olc


Da Vinci, the four Cuchulainns, and Connla Aibi were in the REM Catcher chamber monitoring both Connla Geal's vitals and the images being displayed to them on the monitor. Da Vinci had been so ecstatic about her invention working that she nearly forgot to begin recording. Luckily, Aibi had the forethought to push the crucial button before the first pictures showed up. Once the dream was over, Chaldea would have the first ever visual record of an Imbas Forosnai vision, rather than just Geal's written accounts of what she saw.

"Well, I'll be damned," Cuchulainn Caster grumbled. "She's wound up in an Ulster Cycle that's going to play out differently."

"There's a chance that her counterpart will actually survive into adulthood," Cuchulainn Prototype remarked with a smile.

However, the other two Cuchulainns weren't so sure. Lancer leaned against the healing pod that Geal slept in, then murmured, "I'm a little more worried about what our counterpart is doing. In that point in time, the Cattle Raid should be winding down after Medb successfully stole Donn Cuailnge. Yet according to the other Connla, she had a terrible dream about a man being swallowed by a monster. I can't shake the feeling that that was just a mere nightmare for her."

"And there was the glowing ring too," Caster added.

Alter sat back in his chair and took a long whiff of his cigar. Unlike his other selves, he knew exactly what all of this meant. Although his memories of the actual Fifth Singularity that he took part in were hazy at best, he couldn't forget the fear and confusion he experienced when Medb first summoned him in that world. He had been engulfed in total darkness, and emerged as someone wholly different to who he once was. This alternate Ulster was probably playing out in the same manner, except that this time, there would be no Chaldea to stop him. Without anyone to keep him in check when he was in such a state, the world would potentially be screwed. This prospect was quite dreadful to him, considering that Geal was now experiencing her counterpart's life as if she were there in person.

Aibi noticed Alter's dejected expression and asked, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," he grunted, exhaling a long stream of acrid smoke.

"You're worried about Geal, aren't you?"

"I always am."

"I mean, you're worried about her having to fight your counterpart."


"Do you think Geal will be able to handle the stress? She's already been through enough with the Akakor incident and Daoloth's invasion. If she has to witness a series of life-and-death battles against your counterpart, it might be too much for her to handle."

"She'll be fine."

Aibi felt a bit put off with Alter's brusque confidence, so she glanced away anxiously and didn't say anything further, fearing she would upset him. Da Vinci put her hand on the worried teenager's shoulder and said, "I think what he means is that we're all here to watch over her in case of an emergency. There's also the fact that Alter and Geal are now one Foreigner Servant, so he can easily sense if her Spirit Origin is under stress, and thus lend his strength to her if needed."

"I... guess so..."

The room fell into an unsettling silence, accompanied only by the sound of water gurgling inside the healing pod. A minute later, the door slid open, and an unusual pair stepped through - Florence Nightingale, and Gilgamesh. Da Vinci glanced at them and uttered, "Oh. Now this is a rare combination. What brings you two here?"

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