" You seem to invested in that flower.. something special about it? " Belarus said raising a brow as Philip look at the boquete of flower with curious eyes

Philip noticed something in perticular with this boquete of flowers, the flowers were all of his favorite flowers as it was neatly made though noone knows his favorite flowers which made Philip confused on who could've given this

" It has my favorite flowers.. noone knows my favorite flowers except for me and.. " Philip finally responded keeping his eyes on the boquete of flowers as Belarus spoke " Oh? really... that's sweet! "

Meanwhile as they spoke a fellow human worker of the Countryhumans was somehwere not hidden, upon seeing Philip's delight with the boquete of flowers the human worker of the Countryhumans has given they were in delight of this before then they left

Philippines was in the meeting room with UN as he scratch his head having a bit of troubles with the work he is rushing to do as UN spoke " Well done Philip, for finishing this early you will have 2 days left before your vacation along with Germany, Vietnam and North Korea! all of ypu have finished so early! "

The Meeting room was quiet as there was only UN, Philippines, Vietnam, North Korea, Japan and Mongolia in the room all preparing for something as each had files and papers working with

Philip nods as he kept his tired eyes looks at the screen and stacks of paperworks that were finally done, this month was a hard work month meaning everyone had atleast 5 or 6 stacks of papers on there desk to do

As Philip takes another paper only to look at the paper abit puzzled, after 16 minutes UN then spoke " Something wrong? " Philip was silent before speaking " Is this a prank? " UN raised a brow in confusion

" What? let me see " UN walks over to Philip taking the paper as he examines it only to be also confused as there was long written sentence of a confession letter which was not signed by anybody but was sent to Philip

" Maybe its Russia? " UN says as Philip shook his head and thought to himself 'With that entire essay that is suppose to be a confession letter with full of emotion do you think it even matches Russia's dry writing that is drier than the Sahara Desert?'

Philip then spoke softly " Ill just do my work to have an early vacation, ill talk to you later Master UN about the Papers for the project and work needed " UN nods before he then leaves the meeting room

Philip staples 8 papers together as he continued to sign and read papers North Korea has walked over to him and taps him on the shoulder as he spoke in a stern cold voice " Would you mind to deliver this later to Indonesia? after all hes in the same floor as you "

Philip nods taking the folder from North Korea who walked back to his seat, the meeting room was quiet and had a calm atmosphere with the sound of papers, staplers and writing pen in the room

Each one of them were busy for being main Pillars that provided more Cons then Pros, as Philip signs his papers he couldn't shake off the though of who could the person be sending this letters ane gifts to him

Philip clicks the elevator button to his floor as he held his files and North Korea's files who asked him to bring to Indonesia, the elevator was playing the usual elevator song which is quite catchy is he were honest
(Author's Note: Doors Elevator Music)

As the elevator continue to go up the elevator stops and opens to a floor which someone clicked, there revealed China who smiles one second at Philip who just rolls his eyes and sighs in annoyance as China enters the elevator

The two has never gotten along with eachother even if now 2023 there country is at 'Peace' with eachother, Philip never liked China and hated China deeply through the guts

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