"I'm done with this, just fucking talk to me." He blurted out, not bothering to hold back his feelings. 

He couldn't anymore, not with Richard. 

The Slytherin boy scowled. 

"Move out of my way Grey," He growled, failing once again to get past Grey's barricade. 



But he ignored the low warning tone and blocked his escape attempt again. Anger was flashing in Richard's eyes now but he refused to let it faze him. 

"I'm not letting you pass until we have a proper conversation," Grey stated plainly. 

He noticed Richard's fists clench. 

"No. Move." The Slytherin hissed. 

But Grey didn't. 

"I understand you're grieving. I am too, but Derric-"

He was cut off as Richard grasped his collar and pinned him forcefully against the wall, nose inches from his. 

"How dare you say his name!" Richard seethed, pressing him harder into the stone. 

Their bodies were pressed so closely together, Grey could swear that Richard's heartbeat was dancing with his own. 


"How dare you! You dragged me along, just to watch-" Richard's voice cracked, "You're sick, you planned- how could you! He was our friend!" 

Tears brimmed in the Slytherin's eyes as his hands trembled.

But Grey's heart had broken. Richard thought he did it on purpose. Richard thought he wanted-

His own tears rose to his eyes. 

"That's not what happened," He mumbled as water leaked down his face.

Malice twisted across Richard's grief-stricken face. 

"Really?" He spat.

With those words, it dawned on Grey that he didn't care if Grindelwald found him. Richard was more important than him. Dumbledore didn't have to know. 

"I saw it," Grey admitted through his tears. 

"What?" Richard was crying now too but the anger was still present on his face. 

"In the hall, I had a vision. I saw it. I wanted to stop it so I grabbed you but it was too late, I was too late." He confessed, gripping the hands that were holding him. 

Richard's face was consumed by an expression Grey recognized well. He was analyzing, and piecing together facts to form a full picture. 

"The headaches, Dumbledore's interest, Prendergast's questions." He listed hoarsely, his grip loosening. 

"I'm a seer."

Richard took a step back, eyes wide with horror. His hands were still clasped in Greys.

"So you didn't-it was just?"

Grey nodded at his disjointed questions, knowing exactly what he was trying to ask. 

He watched Richard's face crumple and without a moment's thought, he surged forward, engulfing his friend in his arms. Richard sobbed into his shoulder as his own tears continued to fall. 

"I'm sorry," Grey mumbled. 

Richard just gripped him tighter. Another phrase rose instinctually to Grey's lips, but he didn't utter it. This was not the time for that. 

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