XX: Everything or Nothing (Part 2)

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"Shinsuke, wake up. We're here," I heard Cynthia urge.

"Oh." Evidently, I had done a bit more than zone out.

I blinked the sleep out of my eyes and found the car utterly swarmed by the media as it pulled into the castle grounds. I thought my dad's paparazzi shot earlier in the evening was irritating, but an army of people I didn't know snapping photos of me was much worse. I had also forgotten how much I loathed the sound of hundreds of camera shutters going off at once.

"I don't know how you deal with this nightmare all the time," I remarked.

"You better get used to it. It's your life too, now," Cynthia stated.

At last, we made it down the spiral ramp and reached the parking garage. The driver let us out of the car, where we found Helena waiting for us.

"Welcome back, your Royal Highness," the reliable assistant greeted Cynthia. "You both look lovely tonight. His Majesty has asked me to accompany you both to the ballroom."

"Of course," Cynthia complied.

We followed closely behind Helena, ascending the stairwell until we reached the entryway to the foyer. Once again, the room was crawling with members of the media. Everywhere I looked, there were television cameras and microphones outstretched, as newspeople shot rapid fire questions that neither Cynthia nor I attempted to answer. However, despite their staggering numbers, there were even more guards lining our path to the ballroom, ensuring the obnoxious drones stayed a good distance away from us.

If these cameras are airing all of this live, I bet mom and dad are losing it on the couch right now...

Cynthia and I arrived in the ballroom, and the King immediately rose from a large chair at the other side of a long, extravagantly decorated table. "There you are! You're both just in time. Our guests should be arriving shortly. Please, come sit."

"Yes, father."

The room was set up with a stage, a long dining table, and numerous smaller, round tables. I had been wondering why we were led to the ballroom instead of the dining hall, but doing a quick bit of math in my head made it quite clear. With so many royals in one room, alongside their guards and assistants, I imagined even a grand dining hall like the one the castle had would fill quite quickly.

Helena led Cynthia and I to our designated seating. We were placed side by side, right next to the king and queen. Unfortunately, we were on the side closest to her mother.

"You both look wonderful tonight!" the king said in a jovial tone.

"Our daughter does, anyway," the queen added.

"Oh, come now," the king urged his wife. "The boy looks fine. Shinsuke, it's great to see you again."


"Your Majesty," Helena started, "I just received word that the guests have arrived in the parking garage."

"Wonderful! Please go and guide them here, won't you?"

"Of course. Right away, Your Majesty."

I shuffled in my chair a bit as anxiety began to play on my nerves. Cynthia gave me a knowing look and whispered, "it'll be okay."

I nodded and watched tons of the castle's staff enter the room. Waiters and waitresses stood by, chatting quietly with one another, and anticipating the arrival of those they would soon be serving. Meanwhile, a man I presumed to be the host of the evening stepped up onto the stage and began to test a PA system. The rest of the staff all seemed to be there for no reason other than to wait around.

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