IV: The White Knight Contract

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It wasn't easy, but, somehow, I had managed to quell the raging storm in my stomach enough to enjoy two biscuits covered in syrup, as well as a few pieces of fruit. Things had fallen back into awkward silence after we discussed our situation. So, breakfast was a quiet one, which was fine by me. But the moment was over, and now it was back to business. We set our plates aside for her maid staff to take care of and left the majestic garden behind for the grand halls of the castle.

I followed closely behind Cynthia as she led me past the dining hall. I caught a glimpse of my parents, seemingly finished with their meal and schmoozing it up with members of the royal staff. Mizuki took notice of me and Cynthia walking past the open doors and her expression was less than enthusiastic. I wanted to ask her what was going on, but it wasn't the right moment for that. Instead, I kept behind the princess, following her up the stairs and all the way to the entrance to her room.

"This is it," she said, pulling open the large double doors. The room that was revealed to me was massive.

I thought the room I spent the prior night in was big, but the room that I stepped into was easily three times the size of that one. Shades of purple and pink presented themselves upon the walls, bed sheets, and carpets that covered sections of the marble floor. A gorgeous stained-glass window hung high up above the canopy bed, which was itself located high above the rest of the room on a pedestal made accessible by a staircase below it. The window's design depicted Cynthia with her hands clasped together, gazing at the sky above.

The rest of the room contained things most people could only dream of having in their homes, let alone their bedroom. An opulent fireplace, exquisite art pieces, and all manner of expensive luxuries populated the spacious chamber.

However, there was something else that I took note of, something that couldn't be ignored. Her room was...messy as hell. Entire sections of the giant bookcases lining the walls were bare, with the books that once occupied those spaces lying splattered all over the floor in piles that would drive a librarian to commit murder. Scrolls and rolled up documents covered every inch of a coffee table across from her fireplace, and every cushion on the couch that accompanied the table was smothered by boxes overflowing with folders, binders, and more. Even the stairs leading up to her bed were covered in stray papers.

"Damn, princess...you live like this?"

She gasped and shoved me further into the room, which caused me to stumble over a bunch of clutter on the floor. "Sh-Shut your mouth, you uncouth mutt!"

"Hey, don't push me! What if I tripped over this crap and hit my head on that table? Is your grand plan to get out of this arrangement to kill me?"

"I won't tell you again, shut up and sit down!"

I looked around, befuddled, and asked, "where...?"

She growled and marched past me, grabbing hold of my hand in the process and leading me up the stairs toward her bed. She shoved me back onto the mattress and rushed back down the stairs to riffle through some of the books on the floor.

"My room is a mess because I was looking for information all night while you were sleeping oh-so comfortably. So, pardon me," she hissed.

"Is the holier than thou, pampered princess of Steylia really trying to frame me as privileged right now?"

"Well, one of us had a good sleep last night and the other didn't. I'm sure your meager brain can figure out which of us is which."

"...You really do think you're above it all."

Marry X PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora