II: A Strange Arrangement

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All I wanted was to go home after witnessing that horrible accident. But even though I rescued the gods damn princess of Steylia, I was treated like a criminal and forced into the back of a royal car. Also, I hit my head on the roof when the mean lady tossed me in the vehicle. That's neither here nor there but you can bet your ass I was bitter about it.

Pain aside, I'd been stuck in that car for nearly an hour. Given the nature of the situation, the roads had been cleared, and the only other cars on the road were the other royal vehicles behind and in front that comprised a small convoy.

In that time, we had exited my home city of Valport and crossed over from the province of Fabrea to Freywich, also known as "Old Steylia." The change in scenery was quite drastic, with the tall, modern skyscrapers disappearing from the skyline in favor of cobblestone roads and traditional style buildings. It was like going back in time to a place I couldn't give any less of a shit about.

I should also mention that the entire ride had been uncomfortably quiet up to that point. Quiet might be my thing, but not the kind of quiet that involved being stared at the entire time by a man in black as if I were some kind of terrorist. After all, I'm the one who was there against my will!


My phone vibrated furiously in my pocket, but the agent sitting next to me grabbed my arm tightly before I could check why. I glanced at him, and he simply shook his head at me before releasing me from his grasp.

Yeah, I'm about to be killed, aren't I?

We entered the capital city of Alofast, and the grand castle quickly came into view. It looked as though it was constructed of pure light with the way it shined against the starry sky.

Gorgeous? Yes. Pompous? Absolutely.

Our convoy of royal vehicles crossed over the main bridge, and we descended a spiral ramp leading down below the castle. In a short while, we reached an underground garage and parked all the cars, including the one I was in. The agent beside me exited the car and rounded it, coming to my door and pulling it open before yanking me outside.

"Start walking." He and another agent ushered me through a metal door that led to a stairwell.

My family had dragged me to Old Steylia on vacation a few times as a kid to go see the castle, but we were never allowed inside. So, it was a bit jarring to see a more modern parking area beneath the traditional castle, but not unexpected. Lots of the places around the area likely weren't as old school as they appeared on the outside.

"Up the stairs." I did as I was asked until he grabbed hold of my shoulder at one of the landings. "Okay, through here."

Stop touching me.

That door led me inside the castle this time. The area in which I emerged appeared to be some kind of guard station. Magic rods, staffs, swords, crossbows, and other weapons lined the walls, as well as computers and a myriad of screens playing security feeds from both inside and around the castle. A sweet and bitter scent emanated from a coffee machine in the corner of the room as more men and women in black suits and sunglasses surrounded the device, chatting away. Their attention was drawn to me the second I entered the room.

Nothing to see here, clones.

"Let them know we're bringing him in now," the agent beside me ordered the others. A few of them mumbled something into their radios in response.

He kept me moving by obnoxiously nudging me forward with his shoulder, eventually pushing me out of the station and into the halls of the castle. Everywhere I looked, red, white, and gold surrounded me. Elaborate, red carpets? Check. Glistening white floors, handrails, and walls? Yep. Ornate, gold trim to frame it all? Of course. Additionally, every few steps, some kind of painting, sculpture, or statue greeted me.

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