V: Something to Think About

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Helena led me straight from Cynthia's room back to the dining room. My parents and Mizuki were still there, but in my absence, it seemed the king and queen had also joined them. King Immanuel took notice of my arrival the second I stepped through the doorway.

"There he is!" he stated with a wide, bearded grin. "Just the man I was hoping to see."

I bowed and replied, "may I ask what this is about?"

"No need. You and your lovely family take a seat and I will explain it all."

We did as was asked of us-some more excitedly than others-and Cynthia entered the room wearing a nervous expression on her face. The king smiled at her and waved her inside, gesturing to a grand, empty chair beside him and the queen.

"I was just about to send for you as well, my daughter. Come, sit."

"Yes, father," Cynthia mumbled and set herself down by her parents.

The king clasped his large hands together and spoke with great enthusiasm. "It is my distinct pleasure to inform you all that, later this evening, we will be holding an internationally broadcasted press conference to announce the engagement of Shinsuke Watanabe to my beautiful daughter, Princess Cynthia Rose von Eisenhardt!"

"What?!" my parents and Mizuki shouted in unison. Judging by the look on Cynthia's face, I wasn't the only one they beat to the punch with their reaction.

"We would ordinarily wait a bit longer to do this. But given that Shinsuke's heroic act was already televised for all the world to see, we thought we might as well make the announcement now," said the king.

"Wait," my mother interjected. "What engagement are you talking about?!"

"Your son didn't tell you?"

The room fell silent, and all eyes were on me.

"Shinsuke Watanabe," my mother said, sternly. "First, you do something completely reckless and don't communicate with me or your father all night, then you propose to the princess without telling us anything?!"

"Mom, I didn't propose to her. And I don't even want-"

"Now, now. Don't blame the boy," the king interrupted. "He was overwhelmed and tired last night, as was my daughter. I'm sure they were so excited to have breakfast together this morning that they merely forgot to share the wonderful news with you three."

Dad patted my shoulder and grinned at me. "That's kind of a big thing to forget, son!"

There isn't a single jury in the world who would find me guilty if I committed patricide at this very moment.

"So, my son is really going to marry the princess of Steylia...?" mom asked, her voice shaking with what I couldn't decide was excitement or disbelief.

"Unexpected, yet joyous, isn't it?" said the king.

The queen shook her head and took a drink from a goblet filled with wine. "For some of us."

"Son, how did this come about?" asked dad. "Tell us all about it!"


"I'll tell you everything!" the king interrupted yet again.

Mizuki tugged on my pant leg under the table and whispered to me. Her stare was piercing. "We need to talk. Now."

"Father," Cynthia started. "May I be excused? I'd like to speak with Shinsuke while you and mother explain the situation to his family."

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