Rando, Elias and Ares watched dumbfounded as a very angry Kai stood in between the sisters. Vines started to grow from underneath and capture both of their hands and legs tying them to the ground.

Nina shrieked out of fear and Mira sighed. She knew she was about to get it.

"Who's going to explain what's going on to me." A shiver ran down everyone's spine as Kai spoke with authority.


"Why were you throwing pebbles at your sister? No, scratch that, a team mate. Do you really want to test my anger out?" He glared at Mira with spiteful eyes.

"Of course you scold me! You're so unfair. EVERYONE'S SO UNFAIR. SHE HIT ME FIRST. THAT FUCKING FUCKTARD-"

"She doesn't mean that s-sir. She hit her head pretty hard. I apologize on her behalf." Elias said, covering her mouth after running towards her as fast as he could have. He was one step away from peeing his pants by the way Kai was looking at them, how was Mira this brave? He was scary as fuck.

"OUUU! HOLY FUCKER OF MACARO-" Elias said and let go of his hands when Mira bit it.

"I DID TOO MEAN IT!" She grouched.

"Mira you're going to get in trouble." Elias said with furrowed brows and a slight frown following after, still scared shitless of what Kai might do to her.

"I don't care! You're my friend, why are you taking her side?!" She said as her eyes got watery. Fuck! Why was she such a cry baby? And it's not even like she was sad, she was just frustrated. But perhaps that's what her biggest weakness was. When she's happy, she cries. When she's sad, she cries. When she's angry, she cries.

Everything makes her cry.


Elias' eyes softened when he looked straight into her eyes.

"Ah shit I'm going to do it." He muttered quietly with a small frown. Before Mira could ask him what he was on about, he stood up straighter and-

"She's not wrong sir!" He huffed and looked directly at Kai with a determined expression. His sturdy expression impressed Mira, he was so scared but he stood still in her defense. "Nina did use her powers on Mira first. And she's saying it's unfair as she doesn't even have powers yet. That's clearly a disadvantage for her. That's why she's hurt more and looks like her head is bleeding. Ouch man, you okay? She got you bad... damn. Anyway, as I was saying sir, all she did was a very basic attack compared to Nina's..."

"Okay, okay now you're just making me sound like a weak idiot."

"Sorry." He apologized to Mira and looked back straight at Kai but then flinched out of fear as if snapping out of his 'defend Mira' trance. This time he apologized to Kai. "Sorry sir. B-but I think N-nina should also be he- held accountable."

"Have you seen me use my powers?" Nina asked with a bitter tone. Two freaks ganging up against her won't scare her away, trying to take advantage of Kai taking her side. She was clearly the victim.

"Of course they didn't smartass. Your powers are invisible. Or do you not know what that means?" Mira turned around to see Gael leaning against a tree behind them with his eyes closed. "Can I go home now Kai?" He asked, following it with a yawn.

"Go." Kai dismissed before turning to Nina with a glare.

"Why did you hit your sister?" He asked assertively. Nina flinched out of fear and so Mira smirked. She had never seen her like this. Kai turned back around to Mira and sighed. The girl was enjoying this too much.

"I'm benching you from the next to training and you're going to redo the bucket training for as long as your sister has done with more water and bigger buckets. And, you'll begin your punishment by apologizing to trouble over there. Am I understood? Now-" He said strictly and walked over to Ares. In a split second he took out a rope, grabbed the guy and hung him in a tree tying him up.

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