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Glued to the television, I watched my reputation go down the drain, becoming the most hated Bachelor. I mean what the actual fuck was I thinking? Of course, I didn't mean what I said on the screen. It was a fucking moment of joking around, and the damn production team added it anyways. I should ruin them for it.

"You're an idiot. I have an idiot as a brother." Claire mocks from behind me. I don't even know why she's here in my penthouse when she should be in Davie. Lately, she has been hanging around me too often. More than usual, which I tend to avoid because of the things I have to do for work. As my little sister, she shouldn't be involved in my or our father's line of work.

At least that's what most members of our Siena famiglia attempt to do. Other members, like Aldo and others, don't shield the truth from their daughters, and they prepare their sons from an early age. Like my father had done for me.

She was right, though. I am a damn idiot. Matter of fact, I'm a dead man walking. The moment Father sees this, he will lose his shit. Our boss and underboss in New York probably won't be pleased to hear this either. I am supposed to be a man of honor and respect. If I want to take over as Capo of the Siena, he needs to see that I can be a good leader for Florida.

"I should've known the production group wasn't going to edit that part out." I grab the remote turning off the damn news channel that has nothing better to report other than ganging up on me and my father's reputation.

"If this were Game of Thrones, Father will have your head for this one." Claire laughs dead in my face, with a failed attempt of an odd accent. I was already annoyed by what I've seen and here she is to make it all worse.

"Claire, I swear to God. If you don't shut the hell up." I raise my index finger and point it towards her.

She sat on my leather couch and made herself comfortable as if I invited her. She made this feel like a damn News premier the way she came through the elevators with her bowl of popcorn in hand. There's nothing grand with what I said.

It was a summer casting for The Bachelor's Players. It was nothing like The Bachelor where we find the perfect girl to marry. Instead, we were tested. Five guys and twenty-five beauties. In the first episode that was premiered last night. Not even twenty-four hours ago, there was a snippet of me and the recording room talking about a girl that I ended up speaking to during the speed dating. It just so happened that the female was black. And a Jew. Before I go any further let me just say I have many friends that are within the same background.

In the recording room, I may have made an insensitive joke, such as, "I was shocked to see a black Jew on the show. A Blewish." Then I followed up with a laugh.

Now why did I say it? I don't know, do I take it back? Hell fucking yes, I do. Because now I have to pay for what I said.

And considering that my pants pockets were vibrating, I'm sure word reached my father.

I answered the phone expecting him to curse me out, call me every name in the book, or even disown me once again as any other strict Italian father would do. "Where are you? Are you home." His rough tone blasts through the phone.

"Yeah, I'm home. There's no reporters out here yet, but there will be." I speak. "Look I'm-"

"Are you watching the news right now?" he asked me just as I was about to apologize.

Claire flicked the TV back on. I turned around and a picture of Luis Davis, a well-fought retired soldier of the Siena, appeared on the screen with the words, 'Found Dead'. My jaw dropped in disbelief; I didn't even care to see who else walked through my elevator door, because I was focused on the man on my television that I spoke to not so long ago.

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