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I woke up this morning with a song in my heart
A melody that's been there from the very start
It's a tune that speaks of love and hope
A rhythm that helps me to cope

Sing with me, let your voice be heard
Let the music take you to another world
Let the lyrics speak to your soul
And let the melody make you whole

The world can be a dark and lonely place
But music has a way of filling up the space
It's a language that we all can understand
A universal way to take a stand

Sing with me, let your voice be heard
Let the music take you to another world
Let the lyrics speak to your soul
And let the melody make you whole

So let's raise our voices high
And let the music take us to the sky
Let's sing of love and peace and joy
And let our hearts be filled with hope and buoy

Sing with me, let your voice be heard
Let the music take you to another world
Let the lyrics speak to your soul
And let the melody make you whole

So let's keep singing, day and night
And let the music be our guiding light
For in this world of chaos and strife
Music is the key to a better life.

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