47 meters

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Lately I've been feeling like I'm 47 meters deep
Deaths coming to collect and reap
My smile, my laughs, my joys, are a different reality that no one can properly see
There's a lot of jump scares probably to much that one's heart could ever bear
That's depression for you it plays by no rules
I'm decayed flesh I walk and talk with the ghouls

My only friend is the inner voice it's immoral
I'm tired of hearing him he's got me going insane there's to much sadness through our day to day I sometimes wish I could sit & watch the sunset down by the gooney bay, but I'm mentally fucking exhausted to even go anyway

I gotta be honest you motherfuckers got feeling like I'm 47 meters deep half of you writers are NyQuil you guys got me knee deep in a sleep
I wish that I had the emotions of psychopath so that all of you can be boxed in with passion of my burning wrath

You faggets think I have conscience? Bitch don't make me laugh I advice anyone who ever dares to go toe to toe with me for I am the rope around your fucking neck that'll have you hanging from fucking a tree

My desires got me 47 meters deep it's all just a fucking blueprint to spark a fire on a lone wolf survivor are the stars you admire on a the sky glowing brighter cause waiting for a shooting star ain't gonna get you any higher so stop wishing bitch & learn how to cock back, and be fighter

The art of virtue is patience it's craft will get you wiser so don't think I'm out wrote my passion will leave you out spoke there's a lot of holes on my boat but you don't you worry even if I can't swim at least I have floaties to keep me up & woke

Despite being mentally broke a girl gave me best head which gave me a blood stroke there's white yolk on her breast folks ha ha I gotta stop with the dirty jokes find this line offensive then come and get the smoke so that i can leave a face print of my backhand and leave you mentally stone fucking broke.

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