Scene 14 - Source

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Inside the control room, the Custodian resumes executive control again. Alaric observes the approach taken by the Custodian.


The Xherkrans are not yet defeated. We still have work to do at the basin.

The Lunar Carriage then drives along the lunar surface with Lieutenant Garven and Cassain aboard. High explosives are aboard with the craft in the back.


Whilst the Xherkrans have been invading the moon, they have multiplied and grown strength.


It won't be enough then?


We have to assume it might not. Earth's authorities need to be warned. And that SOS to be halted.

We then see the Lunar Carriage approach the basin. Garven and Cassain drive the craft forward. When they reach the basin, they see a handful of Xherkrans about as the energy continues to grow like a virus across the basin. The energy begins to glow with a brighter colour as it prepares to build up strength and power. The view of the front of the craft showing the basin is displayed on the screen for the control centre at Omicron 4 through a video link.


Let's hope they succeed.

Cassain raises up in a hatch above the roof of the Lunar Carriage. The Xherkrans observe the movement going on at the craft and begin to approach. The energy within the basin continues to grow.


They must get it.

Cassain powers up a machine-like canon to fire high explosive canisters into the basin. Cassain aims it out, aware of the energy generating within the basin. His hands shake.

Lieutenant Garven:

Come on, man. They're nearly here.

Lieutenant Cassain:

Our friends shall be avenged from you. Whatever you are. You can get off my moon!

He fires. The shoots continue to pour out from the gun. As a result of the moon's gravity, it takes some time for the cans to spin and land at the basin. Once the canisters hit the basin, part of the Mare Tranquilitis begins to blow up, taking the energy with it. POW! BOOM! BOOM! The Xherkrans begin to wither and die as their power source is blown apart. POW! BOOM!

Cassain quickly returns to his craft to escape the explosions damaging his spacesuit. We see the destruction of the Mare Tranquilitis, the rocks blowing into the air. Smoke engulfs the basin. Once it clears, a huge pit remains at Mare Tranquilitis. The Xherkrans had been stopped. No energy trace is detected. We see this on the monitors and screens that the energy had been taken up in the explosion.


It's gone. The energy was displaced.




Look at it. Nothing could have survived that.

We see the pit in the basin, and the Lunar Carriage beginning to return in the opposite direction to go back to Omicron 4.

Lieutenant Cassain:

Having blown up our studies, looks as if we will have to go searching for basalt another time.

Lieutenant Garven:

We sure have our work cut out for us.

This then cuts back to the control centre.


What a discovery you made. I see fit that you need every man you can to help found your new society here on the moon. And counteract any threat that opposes your existence.


And the Earth's, sir?


Indeed. You can expect a handsome new investment into your project. We will invest all we can into your space program, Custodian. And get your new lunar community fully commissioned to begin service immediately.

We see the delighted look on the Custodian's face before we see the Lunar Carriage continue returning back to Omicron 4...

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