Scene 1 - This Is Omicron

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A series easily known worldwide, it has become a television institution like no other. Created by Sydney Newman, Verity Lambert, Donald Wilson, and CE "Bunny" Webber, their series of a "Thing that looks like a police box, stuck in a junkyard, can move anywhere in time and space", has generated a universal following that remains unlike any other form of cult entertainment. The series originally centred around two school teachers who are whisked away in a time machine that can travel anywhere in the fourth and fifth dimension. That ship was the TARDIS, an acronym for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space), and belonged to an enigmatic, cranky yet brilliant scientist.

(Opening titles)

We open up with a shot of viewing our moon from a far distance. The music plays space sound effects and atmosphere to convey the setting of a base established on the moon. We hear a transmission being sent through space.


This is the Custodian. Representing on behalf of the peoples of Omicron 4. Our lunar station is the most advanced of the Omicron complexes designed here on the moon.

The camera fades to show the Omicron base situated on the moon near the Mare Tranquilitis sector. Large domes house life support systems of recycling facilities, variable geometry generators, atomic fusion reactors, and electric generators. Tunnels run along each dome to create the interconnected Omicron 4 moonbase. We hear the transmission continue as we marvel at the model shot of the base. We see the domes house water tanks, waste disposal units, communication antennae, and factory units. A landing platform is established to allow small probes and space shuttles to land and dock with the rest of the complex.

The large central dome situates the landing bay. Lunar Carriages are based at the side of the lunar complex, parked facing outward towards the gap allowing access to leave Omicron 4. The carriages are designed like large, armoured tank vehicles with caterpillar tracks that help to run along the surface. A bay helps to store the carriages beside the large central dome. Access to the carriages from the central dome is available overhead from an access chute that leads into the roof of the crafts.

Omicron 4 is a fully functioned computerised control system. As of today, Friday January 20th 2096 AD, over two thousand men and women live and work on the moon to create a new, diplomatic community of Earthmen.

We then begin to fade into the control room of Omicron 4. A gigantic control console with an artificial intelligence-controlled computer runs the life support system and guidance on the moon for the inhabitants. We see the control consoles and specially created computer logo of AIOC flash a blue colour when it speaks. Various of these logos are incorporated across the complex to allow AIOC to be implemented across Moonbase Omicron.

The personnel across Omicron are dressed in grey outfits which mark out their names and their nationality at the top left side of their suits. The Custodian sits in the centre at a revolved-around desk that can command his instructions and radio transmissions. A microphone extended from the bank allows him to make his message. His assistant, Lieutenant Garven, listens to his speech.

Our resources we artificially created on the moon can be exploited and traded with to parts of the world where food and water deprivation has weakened the populations of the Earth. As Custodian of Moonbase Omicron, I encourage you to consider our offer of negotiations. And hope that you will allow Moonbase Omicron to become self-sufficient in continuing to aid our civilisation.

The Custodian finishes the transmission and closes the microphone away. It returns back to the computer bank.

Well, Lieutenant? How did you think the transmission went?

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