Scene 2 - Lunar Carriage

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We hear the lunar carriage ramping up power, prepared to leave at last. Aboard, Jacques and Sortes Mandez await at the controls prepared to embark on the Mare Tranquillitis. A radio pops up from the board, allowing Jacques to communicate with the control centre.

Lieutenant Jacques:

This is Lunar Carriage Deux. We are leaving Omicron. We shall report again when we arriving to the basin.

We see the wheels of the Carriage slowly chug along the lunar surface. Dust begins to pour from the wheels as the craft travels along the moon. It embarks away from the Omicron complex.

Lieutenant Sortes Mandez:

What will be our time of arrival to the basin, Jacques?

Lieutenant Jacques:

We have a forty minute journey to Mare.

Lieutenant Sortes Mandez:

In the meantime, I will familiarize myself once more of the Sea of Tranquility so we know what will find when we arrive.

Lieutenant Jacques:

We will be at the steps where Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin first landed back in 1969. And find the craters named after the crew of the Apollo 11.

We see the craft continuing to carefully drive over the moon. The camera cuts back to see the Omicron complex. The crew of Omicron 4 begin arriving to greet the Custodian sitting at his desk. Lieutenants Cassain and Zenfev join Garven. We see the arrival of the Welsh Lieutenant Nye, the Chinese Mirari, American Lieutenant Bell, and British Astronaut Richardson arrive.


Welcome, friends. Thank you for joining us so soon. Now this will be our biggest challenge to date. Space Command has assigned a representative to survey Omicron 4.

We continue to see the Lunar Carriage drive along the moon.

That is the success we are promised.

Lieutenant Bell:

I'm sure you will find Custodian that we will bring you a good report, sir.


Thank you, Lieutenant Bell.

Lieutenant Garven:

Space Command will demand high results and punctuality. From what I here is that they don't like to be disappointed.

Lieutenant Richardson:

We have made a good reputation for ourselves. We are committed here at Omicron 4 to deliver the best results we can.


With that kind of attitude, I am very faithful that you will all do us proud. This treaty will bring about the most important success for the growth of our free and self-supportive society.

The Lieutenants talk amongst themselves happily about the prospect of a new order for the society on the moon.

Now. Quiet. Quiet, please. Thank you. From today, my belief of mankind ever exploring the frontiers of our universe shall be brought one step closer to reality. We were all born on Earth, but I see a future where men will be born, spend their lives and die on the Moon.

We cut to see a cupboard where stores of equipment are stashed in big boxes. This includes electronic equipment, parts of heavy machinery, and supplies for toiletries. The cupboard is cramped and features a window out to view the lunar surface. The camera faces the view from the window, and the entrance is accessed at the far right hand side of the cupboard. We see the TARDIS materialise in the far left hand corner. Once materialised, we see the Doctor emerge from the TARDIS and take a look at his surroundings.


Another storage cupboard. Best place to quietly arrive and keep you out of the way, old girl. Always know what's best for you.

He then takes a look out of the window and marvels at the sight of the lunar surface. The Doctor sees the Earth in the far distance in space.

The moon. 2096. Colony from Earth, as usual.

The Doctor then takes a quick look through the equipment, before coming to the door. He believes that he may need to open it with his Sonic Screwdriver, which he takes out, but the door sides open first. The Doctor enters, exploring his surroundings. On the side we face, we notice the AIOC logo which monitors who is in the complex. Having known an unidentified person is in the building, it will report this to control. We zoom towards the logo of AIOC...

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