he has a hospital ick.

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Dazai stared out the window in the backseat of a gray car, it was a nice car, he admits.

but he was trapped. both doors were put on child lock. and the pro hero Snipe (who was driving) would glance at him every. two. seconds.

he felt like a stupid child. He's NOT. so why is he being treated like this? because of some stupid scars on his arms? talk about overdramatic! he's *fine.*

plus— no logical suicidal person would jump out the car door! all you would get was a few scrapes, that is if you were his size...

huh. maybe it is an affective method... Rolling under a car wheel and dying huh? i see how they would think that. But Dazai would never do such a thing- because what if he would be still alive after he got rolled under a car? he hates pain!

still.... Dazai made a thoughtful face looking out the window at the other cars.

then he sighed. they could've have just let his blood pressure go down so low he would die, it sounds interesting honestly.

but of course thats wishful thinking, their heroes, they would never let him accomplish his dreams of a beautiful suicide.

suddenly the radio was turned on, Dazai flinched. it was one of those cheesy love songs... Dazai looked up at the mirror snipe was using to spy on him.

they met each other's eyes, Snipe gave him the most gentle smile he's ever seen on that man's face. most of the time he's sassy and tough.

but when you have a suicidal kid in your backseat I guess it's different. *Your* different.

Dazai looked away, instead focuses his gaze on the hospital that was coming in to view, outside the car window.

Right. that's what he was here for.


Yamada walked into the usually quiet police station, he says *usually* because right now it's... chaos!

There's almost no people at the desk, causing a very long line, and the cops around the place were frantic. understandable.

with that Yaksha and officer killings.. you don't know what you can expect, especially a police station in Musutafu, of all places.

Yamada ignoring as much of the chaos as he could, walked straight towards certain persons office, or.. detective.

that detective being Naomasa Tsukauchi. Yamada honestly feels bad for contacting him on such a short notice, I mean.. he's already dealing with what happened at the USJ. although Yamada Has a feeling he'll be more concerned with *this* particular case.

Instead of knocking, Yamada quietly opens the door, it creeks.. but that's not the point!

"Tsukauchi! how are you doing? sleeping well?" Yamada knew the answers to both of those questions already.

Tsukauchi jumped in his chair at the sudden yelling. "Mic.." he Sighed, but snickered shortly after. "not great, and.. not great." Tsukauchi pointed to the bulletin board behind him.

it was covered with sticky notes, pictures, connected lines, and alot more. Yamada also noticed the notes on the board looked very panicked. "i've actually come to talk to you about just that!" Yamada clicked his fingers, then sat down in the chair in front of Tsukauchi's desk.

The brunettes eyes widened at his words, then it immediately softened into.. relief, utter relief. "i- don't even really know what to say.. i've been exhausted these past days, The hero commission won't send any pros to help me out. and it's not like any of them would actually volunteer for this anyways..."

"hah! that is why I'm here!" Yamada screamed "i'm here to be your savior, relax grab a drink, take a nap! i'm taking this over!" He smiled wide


Dazai sat in a chair, in an uncomfortable chair at that. snipe was checking him in. The hospital already knew he was coming, so why has he been here for 30 minutes? Dazai shifted on the chair and crossed his arms, not trying to hide his particular feelings about hospitals.

The Hospital. everyone's least favorite word! kids and adults alike. the bills are crazy, takes forever to actually get a diagnosis, and.. oh The worst of all!- they overreact about everything!

.. not worse than heroes do, but still!

"Dazai." snipe waved him over. Dazai rolled his eyes, but applied.

for now.

NOTE: ... yeah. i've been gone for sometime... yk...
but anyways, Sorry about the inconsistency.

oh and i have some news!! I have another Bsd crossover fic coming out soon, its not MhaXbsd. its a harry potter crossover😏
this new Fic is apart of the 'Dazai,Chuuya&Ranpo's adventures across the Multiverse' series like this fanfiction is. so I guess that gives you some insight about it..
if you have any guesses about maybe what its going to be like, leave them here :)

(edit! its out, and on my profile)

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