Street kid things.

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NOTES: Chuuya and Momo's Match
Dabi and Chuuya bond?


Chuuya and Momo stood outside Battle building F

"you know the drill! take your few minutes to prepare!" All Might's endurance filled voice loudly announced

Chuuya stretched his back
"whats the game plan?"

"oh! uhmm.. Maybe if we sneak up on them by going through the windows.." Momo nervously stuttered out

Why was she nervous? not too long ago she was proud as ever. was she intimidated by the last matches?

"If we go through the windows there's a high possibility that Sero wrapped them in tape."
Momo was somehow a little taller than Chuuya..
just an inch.. she was the same height as Ranpo

"well.. I- yeah your Right.." Momo seemed very ..not confident anymore

Chuuya observed her body language for a second
"I really hope you're not gonna be this nervous when we fight. your pride seems to be a little crushed, it's because you're comparing yourself to others. stop doing that. you'll fall down a hole." Chuuya bumped Momo shoulder trying to comfort her.

Momo sat for a second think about his words.
she put her hands on her hips, and proudly stood once again.
"You're right! I need to stop putting myself down!"

Thank god she figured that much out by herself, Chuuya's not good at the whole comforting people thing. And he wouldn't have done it if she wasn't his partner

Momo looked at him
"Kirishima and Sero probably set the bomb at the top, they're planning on playing defense most likely."

Chuuya chuckled.
"what you thinking?"


Sero stretched his arms
"yo! im going to cover the room in tape, it'll be harder for them to get around!"

Kirishima give him a thumbs up
"Manly idea! i'll be ready when they come in!"
Kirishima activated his quirk
making his hands hard as a rock, actually harder than a rock.

Sero wrapped the room in his tape
"do you have any ideas about their quirks?"

"Nope! but it's okay, we will win either way!"
Kirishima responded, upbeat

Chuuya and Momo made it to the top floor
and are now face-to-face with Sero and Kirisima.

"Hey. i'm gonna need that bomb"
Chuuya had a bunch of steel cutting daggers floating behind him. Momo made them with her creation

"woah.. that is intimidating" after Sero was done admiring Chuuya's quirk he tried to capture both of them in tape

Chuuya jumped out of the way, landing up right on the wall
he Also cut the tape that was heading Momo's way

Kirisima launched at Chuuya, he decided getting hit by whatever the dude's quirk was, would hurt.
so he dodged all of Kirisima's hits

"come at me!" Kirisima yelled, but not a threatening way

meanwhile Momo and Sero were going at it
Momo made a metal pole, to block sero's tape as she slowly but surely got close to him

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