holiday special!!

598 22 14

NOTES: im sorry to my wattpad readers that you could not participate in this!
but at the time this Fic was only available on Ao3

either way I hope you guys enjoy!


Dazai: Wellcome to our lovely talk show!~
Dazai extended his arms as wide as he could, hitting Ranpo and Chuuya in the face.

Chuuya held his nose

Ranpo wiped the blood coming from his own.
Ranpo: ...

Dazai: Okay Letsssss start!

Chuuya huffed in annoyance

Dazai humed
Dazai: first question we have is from
"who is your favorite BSD character, and why?"
oh wait!
this one is for the Author- let me just..


personally it's hard to pick a favorite! they all have good personalities and back stories.
but.. if I had to choose it would be Kyouka, my reasoning in my opinion, is pretty generic.
she's just a cute character, and her backstory is interesting, and I love her personally
but that's pretty boring so I'm gonna go with The reason why Ranpo is tied with her for first.

The reason I started watching this anime in the first place was because of Heizou from genshin, Heizou personality was a lot like Ranpo's
and his fan design Was inspired by Ranpo.
so naturally Heizou being my favorite character, I had to watch the anime this 'Ranpo' character was from
and I absolutely fell in love with the show
(this was way before Heizou's release)


Dazai: now that the author is done with their boring explanation! lets answer the questions that were for us! both of these next questions are still from

Dazai clearing his throat: "for Dazai and Ranpo- are they close or not? it seems kind of awkward."

Ranpo: I don't quite understand what you're implying, but I can say that we are close. as much as Dazai would deny it

Dazai: whatttt? why would I deny our closeness?

Ranpo: okay then. Dazai used to hide behind me when-

Dazai: alright alright next question!


Dazai: hehe can't wait to see what you say for this one Chuuya~!

Chuuya raised an eyebrow

Dazai: it says~ "Who is more tolerable/ Who do you get along with better Dazai or Chuuya?

Chuuya: that's easy... its Ranpo. I would rather bury myself then have to share an apartment with Dazai. with Ranpo I already share an apartment with him. so... I guess you could say I'm used to the antics he pulls. Which is mostly just raiding my kitchen, and demanding attention when he's bored.

Dazai: wow. i'm hurt.... crying emoji

Chuuya: did you just say the crying emoji out loud..?


Dazai: Nexttt question! and for this one we're going to bring in our dear homeroom teacher! Shota Aizawa!!!!

*Aizawa materializes in the room*

Aizawa: what the f-
Dazai: Anyways! this question is being asked by user-Winds_Ode!

Dazai: and it's for you Ranpo!

Ranpo: and I'm guessing it's relating to Aizawa, since he's here now?

Dazai: mhmmmmm

Aizawa: .. no seriously where am I?

Into the light(but still in Incognito) | BSD x MHA |Where stories live. Discover now