damn geniuses.

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souheki in japanese is commonly used to describe an unbeatable pair or duo/matchless people, alternatively referred to as 'two treasures' or the lit translation 'double jade'


Yokohama. that name when spoken, some would flinch. outsiders are absolutely scared of Yokohama. because of the rumors.. of ability users.Yokohama is known for its organized crime. too many gangs to even count..

but the rumors of a port mafia, is what intrigued most. rumors of a mysterious mafia that control the whole city, some heros were ordered to see if the rumors were true, no one ever saw them again.

but because all of them were underground, not most know about the disappearances.

The hero safety commission, and higher up heroes know about the port mafia, and the disappearances.

but somehow that's not what the Commission is worried about. they're more worried about the ability users.

now the rumors of ability users.. isn't a rumor

everyone knows they exist.

ability uses are known to be way way stronger

and humans are known for being scared of what they don't understand..

if an ability user is seen outside of Yokohama they are arrested immediately. its different in different countries, but most are the same.

The media has portrayed ability users as monsters, heartless creatures with no morals.

The Hero safety commission especially has been ideal about pushing this idea.

but when Aizawa thinks of Yokohama, he thinks of his birthplace. the Port city.

no one actually knows he was born there except for a select few. Nemuri, Hizashi and somehow Nezu. The crazy bastard doesn't know how to mind his own damn business.

Aizawa of course knows the rumors are true about the port mafia. but they're not.. as catastrophic as most will say. they're mostly known to keeping out of Normies business.

unless you involve yourself with gangs, or intentionally seek something out, you have nothing to worry about.

Aizawa is not an ability user. which is a very rare thing for being born in Yokohama.

his auntie and uncle.. he never actually knew if they had a quirk or an ability

but his cousin.. did have a nullification ..quirk?

Aizawa didn't stick around long enough to find out if his nullification was a quirk or an ability

he always assumed it was a quirk. ..now backtracking.. he doesn't think so.

that settles it then.

he's cousin is an ability user

so he's definitely not this kid, Dazai..




Team B vs Team F...

Todoroki Ranpo

and Mineta VS and Dazai

Team B Stands no real chance.

not against Souheki.


Battle building B

"Match two! team B be will be our heroes! And Team F will be the villains, you have a few minutes to prepare, use it wisely!"

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