Entrance exam

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entrance exam day! yay...
Ranpo ability revealed??
read to find out
TW: implied pedophilia!!!⚠️



A blast to the past.
Ranpo's recruitment

Ranpo Got kicked out of the police academy.
for a number of reasons-
1. people didn't like it when you did things his own way. he always delivers results.. why does it matter?? it doesn't matter how he does it at all!
2. he refuses to use his ability. well it's more complicated than that of course.. Ranpo Lied and said his ability is ultra-deduction.. which it is but.. he lied about what it actually does. "whenever I put these glasses on.. I will be able to see the full truth of a case in a matter of seconds!" wrong. that was never his ability. tch..
not even close to his real ability. his real ability...... is..... useless. Ranpo has no reason to use it!
or maybe that's a big elaborate excuse.

everyone thinks, his parents died in a car crash.
nope. not close at all..
and the police were the only ones who actually knew what happened. but of course they lied to the public

Ranpo's parents, were involved with shady people.. and one day they got himselfs killed because of it.
and.. Ranpo inherited his Father's ability.
the ability to Control ...air?
Ranpo's still confused about it himself

when you say it out loud it's nothing impressive..
but when you see it in person..

whether it be sucking the air out of someone
or propelling them in the air to drop them 50 feet..
its stronger than it sounds..

And Ranpo never used it. saying his ability was something totally different, worked out for him for a very very long time.

until it didn't

in short, he pretty much got kicked out on the curb by the police academy.
now here he was sitting on some stupid bench in the rain. he's been out here for two days.. nothing to eat nothing to drink nothing to do/nothing to solve
what a boring existence...

"they will regret that.." A voice to Ranpo's left sang out. welp. that voice sounds like a weirdo. is this his time ..? is he gonna die now..?
Ranpo didn't look at the voice

suddenly the rain had stopped. ah joking, The man put an umbrella over Ranpo's head

"how do you know about the police academy?"
he probably looked at Files. how he got a hold of those is a whole other thing
Ranpo looked at the man
dark hair hung slightly past his ears, definitely a Doctor, he could tell from the coat, oh and the outline of a scalpel in his coat pocket.
why would a doctor have that out in the middle of nowhere? probably a sketchy person then..

The man must've noticed him observing him intensely. "ah.. you're an observant boy.." ew.. why the hell does he sound like that?

"no shit.." Ranpo's instincts were screaming
'stay away' 'don't talk to him' 'this is gonna end bad'
He ignored them, he was way too curious

"your sassy.. aww how cute..." Ranpo was too young to know any better. so he continued to talk to this man.

"get to the point. what do you want?" Ranpo heard the man giggle

"well.. I heard you just got kicked out of the police Academy... you want to solve cases do you not?"

... yes... Ranpo did want to solve cases.. but...

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