first day..

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NOTES: The boys first day at UA
Dazai hesitates to confront his past


"all might, has been around here lately... even though his agency is back in Minato Tokyo"
Chuuya looked down at his phone, looking at all the crime in the city lately

"oh yeah, he's a teacher this year!" Ranpo continued to snack

"EHHH?!!?" Chuuya's voice cracked

"mhm, right again Ranpo! when I hacked into their system I saw that he's one of our teachers. that's awesome for you Chibi! I know how much you love him~!" Dazai song into Chuuya's ear, obnoxiously

Chuuya tried to push him off the couch
"he's one of our teachers?"

"yes. did you not just hear me?" Ranpo leaned back. arms behind his head

"Schools tomorrow kitties!~" Dazai got up and went to the bathroom

"...where does he sleep?" Chuuya questioned in a hushed voice

"the tub.." Ranpo kicked his legs up on Chuuya's lap
"now get off my couch!"

Chuuya groaned


The next morning was less chaos than the entrance exam morning

"The outfits are ugly... almost as ugly as Chibis.."
Dazai held up the School uniform

"WHAT??! I have a much better fashion taste than YOU!" Chuuya was dressed, except for the gray coat, which was tied around his waist

"I think you'll get in trouble if you go wear it like that" Ranpo was ready
"actually, just hurry up so we can leave!"


they finally made it to the school
Chuuya walked, still relatively tired


Chuuya bumped into someone. "yo. Watch where you're going or i'll-!" Chuuya looked at the person that bumped into him

"Izuku.." Chuuya looked at the green haired boy. he was in much hurry

"AH! sorry Chuuya!! didn't mean to bump into you.."
Izuku flared his arms into the air rapidly apologizing

"Aww Chibi has already made friends~ I can't help but feel a little betrayed...!" Dazai went up to Izuku

Dazai held a hand out "Dazai Osamu." Izuku Took his hand, and shook it

"we're gonna be late." Ranpo pushed Chuuya and Dazai, while putting Chuuya's phone back in his pocket

"HEY when did you get that?!" Ranpo didn't respond

The four of them walked to the door


Chuuya looked up at the door "what the hell is with this school.."

"wow.. it is huge, I wonder if they're giants here??"
Izuku muttered

Izuku took the lead and opened the door

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