Chapter One- Their First Encounter

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*Aidan's p.o.v.*

I was not looking forward to this school year as a sophomore. I was not looking forward to going back to school knowing that I will be subjected to being bullied again. The pros of being at school is that my dad works here. The cons are that my dad finds out everything because he is a teacher here. He is a literature here and he definitely loves this job.

I was silent in the car as he was driving us to school.

"I can sense you are nervous." My dad pointed out.

"I am. I hope this year is different." I said.

"I think it is going to be a good year for you." My dad said positively.

I just nodded my head and he dropped me off to the front of the school, so he could go park his car. I walked in and immediately dreaded coming because as soon as I came in, I saw the people I really didn't want to see. They smirked and walked past me.

"Hey little Aidan. Ready for another year." I visibly shook and ignored what they said. I looked at the ground out of habit just because I realized making eye contact with someone was not good on my part. I bumped right into something more like a wall and fell on my ass. When I realized that the wall was indeed someone and not a wall, I looked up and I just saw the most handsome boy or more like man I have ever seen. I definitely got lost in his grey eyes that were glaring into my soul. When he cleared his throat, my face turned so red when I realized that I was definitely day dreaming and he was holding out his hand disgusted. I grabbed his big warm hand and he pulled me up. I gulped when I realized that he was definitely a foot taller than me. I was very tiny compared to him.

"Watch where the fuck you are going kid." He snapped before walking off before I could say thank you. I just stormed to my locker flustered and angry. He was really gorgeous like a greek god, but was such an asshole. I have never seen him before, and my first impression of him is that he is gorgeous but is an asshole. I mean yeah I may have been looking either but he didn't have to be mean and he called me a kid! I am NOT a kid.

I stormed over to him with his little bodyguard that I didn't notice until now walking over there. The guy that was with him saw me and stopped me from approaching.

"Umm what do you think you are doing here?" He asked.

"Hey you!" I snapped. The gorgeous man turned around and I gulped when he stared into my soul looking rather annoyed. He was definitely intimidating by the way he was looking at me. The person who was with him kept pushing me away from him.

"What's going on here?" I heard my dad's voice. He made his presence known and laid eyes on who was pushing him away. They both looked at each other with a look of shock on their faces. My dad immediately pushed me behind him and kept pushing me to his classroom. He was flustered the entire time as he was pushing me to his classroom.

My dad locked his door and was just looking flustered.

"Dad, did you know that guy who pushed me?" I asked.

"Yes. Stay away from them." He said.

"Don't worry. I will. He was rude. We bumped into each other earlier and his attitude is just disgusting." I stated. My dad just nodded his head and I could tell whoever that guy who was with mr. Sassy pants shook my dad to the core with just his presence.

-later that day-

I was in the lunch room getting my lunch . I was walking to the lunch table I usually sit at alone when I felt myself being tripped. All the food I had went all over my clothes and I looked at the ground At disbelief. Someone tripped me on purpose. I could tell because all I could hear was laughter. I felt my body start to sweat profusely. I could hear the laughter and it sounded louder in my head as people were laughing at me.

"FREAK!" I felt something wet get poured in my hair. I gasped for air because it felt like I was drowning. I started covering my ears because the names and laughter got louder. My body started to shake and my body was on fire.

"Stop it!" I yelled. All I could hear was laughter and name calling. I heard running footsteps and I saw my dad's eyes filled with worry. He put noise cancelling headphones on my ears immediately and helped me out the lunchroom. I saw the gorgeous man who was sitting with the people that tripped me who had a glint of worry in his eyes before his eyes went back to no emotion whatsoever. His sidekick that pushed me earlier looked at me and then my dad before walking over. My dad looked at him and shook his head.

"You sat there and watch them do this when you could have jumped in. You are just like them and no better than them." My dad looked hurt and heartbroken at the sidekick before walking away. The further we got from the cafeteria and closer to my dad's classroom, the more relaxed I got. When we made it there, he looked at me. His whole body was shaking in sweats. My dad and I both have social anxiety from what happened a few years ago with my stepdad. We go to therapy to help us cope as abused victims but there are days where I do have my moments like today just like dad does.

"Thank you dad." I said finally after calming down.

"Glad you are feeling somewhat better." He stated looking disgusted with my clothes.

"Let's go ahead and get you some clean clothes. You smell like very delightful right now." He commented. I chuckled and nodded my head walking with him to the clinic to get a change of clothes. When he saw I was changed, he went back to his classroom while I went to the rest of my classes. The rest of the day was not eventful like earlier. I had dinner with my dad and we watched our favorite tv before going to sleep to start another dreadful day of school and work.

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