War Against Sound!

Start from the beginning

Sensing every chakra signature in the small village. Naruto looked around for any clues to the Sound Shinobi terrorists. Jiriaya was in the neighboring village looking for the same. People greeted the Jinchuriki as he approached a small food hut, "Hey what can I get you sir!"

Instead of Naruto's blond hair, it was brown and quite long. Similar to before he cut it. Red and green robes draped over him as he took a seat, "Good morning." A deeper voice came out than usual, "Can I get a menu! It's been ages since I had a decent meal."

The women behind the counter smiled and handed the henged ninja a menu, "What brings you to our little village."

"My home was attacked by some weird ninja. I was heading to Konoha to ask for some help." Her face soured at the statement, "You to? Go North and take the road east from there to Konoha when you leave. There are a group of ninja just South of us. They avoid us pretty good but they attack anyone looking to get ninja aid."

Ordering food and politely talking for a little while longer Naruto finally left. Making his way back to their camp. Jiriaya was already there leaning against a tree, "Hey sensei! Got something!"

Jiriaya grinned, "Good my lead didn't turn out." Sitting down Naruto handed the man a to go box from the restraunt he went to, "There is a force just South of here. I'm not sure how strong the force is but they attack and kill anyone who wants to get help."

"Send clones to scout it out and get rid of that awful henge." Naruto chuckled before in a poof of smoke the blond Jinchuriki now sitting in front of the old man.

"I already sent clones. They will disperse once they find it." Jiriaya nodded, "Good. Now some training. You already expanded your reputare of releases. Water and Lightning were pretty easy for you to gain. I want you to create a hundred clones and work on those just Kakashi and I gave you."

"Hai!" Naruto create his clones who immediately got to work. "Good. Now you and I are going to study your sealing justsu. You have gotten skilled in basic and advanced seals. You can use different seals for different things. I want you to create one that can fully block someone's ability to perform jutsu."

Naruto came up with several designs over the rest of the night. His master looking each one indepth and eliminating the ones that won't work or accidentally kill the person it's placed on. As the sun disappeared from the sky Naruto quit in frustration.

"Damn it! Why can't I get this right!" Naruto punched the ground before falling backwards looking up to the stars. Clouds passively passing by. A smile grew on his face. 'I bet Shika is cloud watching right now.'

Naruto shot awake as one of his clones disappeared. Memories of the clone jumping into a fight with sound ninja to save a Genin team from the Leaf.

Naruto's Clone
'There it is.' Finding the base had taken longer than the boss thought it should have been. Not that the clone cared either way.

Before the clone disappeared though he saw a group of twenty sound Ninja moving out lead by some bigger ninja with a three orange tuffs of hair on his head. The center was more like a mohawk. Naruto knew from previous reports of the Hokage's assassination that he was one of Orochimaru's body guards.

Deciding to follow them he tailed closely. A yumi in his hand he prepared for possible combat against these ninja. Heading to a little village they caught a Genin team from the Leaf. They were kids Naruto recognized from his class that hadn't passed the final exams when he did.

They must have passed and were on their first missions out of the village. Their Jonin stood between them and the sound ninja as they moved to attack. Two sound shinobi sent out Kunai with paper bombs only for the Leaf Jonin to throw up a mud wall.

Pulling a Kunai out she spun stabbing the first ninja in the throat. Three more though were barreling down in her. Before the first one could fully reach. Her the clone fired an arrow, "MULTI-ARROW JUSTU!"

The three Shinobi were utterly defenseless to the attack. Falling dead before Naruto landed in front of the Konouchi, "Get your Genin out of here I'll hold them off!"

"You're Naruto! I won't leave you alone." Another Ninja jumped to attack. Side stepping the clone used his yumi to hit the ninja in the gut. An arrow appeared from know where in his hand as he fired hitting the next ninja behind him killing him instantly.

"I'm a clone so don't worry. Backup is coming after they destroy me." He smiled as he stabbed the recovering ninja he hit with a Kunai to the throat.

"Right. Retreat!" The Genin followed their Captain's orders and fell back into the village.

Surrounding him the clone could help but chuckle, "Really? Fifteen to one?"

"Kill the brat!" All the ninja charged at once. Jumping the clone performed a hand sign, "Wind Release: Great Breakthrough!"

Throwing the ninja in different direction he fired arrows as he flew through the air. One enemy got the drop kicking him in the back. Flipping he fired a fire ball getting a direct hit on the sound ninja.

Drawing his wazikashi he stabbed a ninja as he tried pulling an arrow out of his arm. Looking around  the clone knew this was it as the ninja with orange hair was joining the fray. Two ninja ran at him from different sides. Pulling the blade back out of the man he kicked him sending him smashing into the ninja on his right.

"Wind Release: Blade of Wind!" Wind chakra exploded from his sword slashing the man in half with one swift movement.

Before he could react though the leader punch him with tremendous force destroying the clone with a single hit.

Jirobo looked around at his squad. All his remaining men were injured. Several were killed by the demon brat. A grin took shape as he realized that revenge was around the corner for the Sound Five.

Moving he woke Jiriaya up, "Sensei I know where the camp is." Both ninja jumped up and got ready to move.

Once arriving at the enemy base Naruto sensed at least forty enemy shinobi. Three of the signatures were far more powerful than the other in the camp, "Naruto surround the fortification with clones. We are going to tear this place a part."

One hundred clones took position and readied for attack. Thirty of them were set up with their yumi while the rest pulled out their wazikashi to engage. Looking at his sensei the man nodded. Giving the signal they all charged in.

Thirty Miles North
Using his Shadow Imitation Technique Shikamaru caught three enemy Shinobi. Throwing two kunai into two of the ninja killing them instantly. Pulling his trench knives out he charged. Pulling the other ninja towards him. Pulling up stabbing the ninja through the jaw.

As he dropped the enemy he turned to face his next opponent only for a wind shiruken to slash through the man's neck. "Thanks Asuma."

Going back to back the two ninja looked at the other ninja around them. Four giant monsters were around the remaining shinobi.

Shikamaru couldn't help but wish his team were here. Mito and Naruto would be love this fight. Plus Naruto's overwhelming power would be good, "What a drag."

Moving as fast as they could they defended each other from any attacks thrown their way. Sending tendrils of shadows out Shikamaru hit several of the ninja on the back with Kunai. Using the opportunity they two Leaf ninja cut down the enemies quickly before turning to face the flute player.

Before they could engage together and explosion tag went off. Asuma fell through the floor landing in-between thirty more enemy Shinobi. Turning to face the konouchi Shikamaru prepared himself for battle as dark symbols formed around her body, "We were hoping they would send one of Blondies teammates out to fight us. Kabuto and Kimimaru will be happy to use you to get revenge."

Naruto Uzumaki:Archer of Konoha Where stories live. Discover now