Pay your dues

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Castiel disappeared from in front of me and I pulled out my phone, finding Dean in my list of contacts, ready to call him as Castiel had suggested, but I stopped before pushing the call button. I wondered if it would be wise to get him and Sam involved as this was a problem that I had caused, nothing to do with them. Crowley wanted me dead, not the Winchesters, but what if I got them killed because of a problem I started, it just wouldn't be right.

I cleared the screen, going back to my home screen and almost dropped my phone when it rang suddenly and 'Castiel' came up on the screen.

Pushing the answer button without hesitating I felt my stomach sink when I heard the voice, 'Hello darling' Crowley's voice came through the phone and I almost hung up before I realised that he was on Castiel's phone, so I had to hear what the demon wanted if I wanted to find Castiel.

Trying to keep my voice calm I said, "Crowley"

'Ah, so you do remember that I exist' he stated so off handed before continuing, 'I believe you need to be here'

When he said that I moved my phone, opening a message to Dean, typing quickly, 'Crowley has Castiel and I. Track my phone' and just as I pressed the send button I realised I wasn't in my bedroom anymore, but an abandoned warehouse. The walls had graffiti scribbled all over it, there were holes in the walls and some parts of the floor.

Looking around I saw Castiel in the angel trap and also noticed chains with Enochian symbols which would stop Castiel from using his powers. As I was rushing over I felt a force push me backwards, away from the angel, up against the wall. I dropped my phone as my back hit the wall hard, knocking out my breath, but I was being held in place and couldn't move. Crowley appeared from behind Castiel and began walking towards me, "Well, here we are. In a situation that you promised me wasn't going to happen."


Crowley held his hand up, to silence me as he took a step closer, "I warned you. Gave you ample opportunities to stop, but you still defied me. Still continued with your little cure"

"Crowley, please"

Stepping closer to me he stopped with his face inches from mine, "No! I am not one to be ignored"

"I wasn't ignoring you. I know you wanted me to stop and I did"

"No, you bloody didn't" his right hand was suddenly around my throat and I gasped, holding my breath, "You created a cure"

I took a shallow breath and replied, "She was a werewolf Crowley"

"I don't care what she was. You created a cure"

"She is only nineteen. Her whole life was before her, but not as a werewolf "

"Why not?" his eyes searched mine as though the answer was clear in them.

"She had already killed her boyfriend. She couldn't go through that again"

"You don't seem to be hearing me" Crowley snapped as he removed his hand from around my neck, but still held me against the wall.

I glanced over at Castiel and saw the concern in his eyes, knowing that he wanted to do something to stop Crowley, but also knowing that whilst he was being held against his will he wasn't able to do anything. I felt the sharp angel blade before I looked down and saw that Crowley held it against my chest, right where my heart was, "You defied me. I told you to stop the testing. Feathers and I are friends and I hate hurting him, but I cannot stand defiance'"

"Crowley" Castiel pleaded and I met the blue eyes as I swallowed hard.

"Not now Castiel" the demon called over his shoulder as I felt the angel blade pierce my skin and refused to look at Castiel's panicked eyes anymore. He promised he would always protect me, and I knew he could save me from almost anything, but I didn't want him to be upset that he couldn't stop Crowley now. Especially when the King of Hell wasn't playing fair. I guess I couldn't expect him to, he was a demon. I now understood how overconfident I was as I thought that I might have been able to talk to him and make him understand that I wasn't going to do anymore testing or work on the cure. I had only done the werewolf cure for Gabriella because she had wanted it, really the poor girl needed it.

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