The Hidden Room

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**This chapter contains mature content**


I was in the bunker back at the library. I had found so many interesting books with different supernatural creatures. I was currently looking up werewolves and I'd been reshelving a book when I noticed there were deep marks on the wall beside the unit, gauge marks about six centimetres long. I looked at the floor and saw faint marks as though something had been dragged across it. Kneeling down I looked at the base of the bookcase and saw what I thought was a wheel. Standing up I placed my hand on the shelf and pulled, but nothing happened. The shelves didn't move. I was about to pull harder when I heard footsteps and I turned to see Castiel standing there, he frowned at the bookcase and then looked at me "Are you ok?"

I smiled at him "Can you help me please"

"Of course, what do you need?"

"I think this bookcase moves, can you pull it forward?"

Castiel moved to the front of the shelving unit and pulled it forward. The wheels protested with a squeal, but the unit rolled forward. I walked around to the side and saw that there was a small room behind the shelves. I stepped into it and looked around. The small room held two tables pushed against the wall, one that held test tubes and petri dishes. The other wall held a fridge, a soft light from inside showed there was bottles with red liquid, which I knew was blood. There was a bare light globe hanging from the ceiling with a chain, so I tugged the chain, and the bright light lit every corner. That was when I noticed the book sitting on the second table, the yellowing pages laid open and as I looked at the scribble, I realised it was a collection of chemicals that could be a medicine, or maybe it was something that made people sick? The formula was groups of chemicals and medical data. I didn't understand all of it.

Stepping up beside me Castiel looked over my shoulder and said, "What is that?"

"I don't know, but it looks like a formula that might be a medicine, or maybe it's a disease? I won't know until I study it a little"

"I don't know Y/N" the concern was clear in his voice "Maybe you shouldn't?"

I turned to face him "Are you worried about me Castiel?"

His eyes met mine with the concern clear in them. "Yes. I am. What if it is something bad?"

"What if it's not?"

"What if it is a disease? What if you get sick?"

I could see the panic in his eyes and I grabbed his hands in mine, smiling I said "I'll be fine. I promise"

He turned his head away, looking at all the lab consumables and I could see that he still wasn't reassured, so I stepped forward and kissed his cheek. He turned to me, I reached up and cupped his cheek in my right hand, "Please Castiel, don't worry"

"I am your guardian angel Y/N. I am supposed to worry." he was quiet a moment, then added, "We are also together and that means I have to worry".

I gave him the biggest smile as I dropped my hand and said, "Together, hu?" When he didn't say anything, I added teasingly, "You mean you're my boyfriend?"

He stared at me for a moment then nodded, "Yes. Ok, I am your boyfriend and I care"

I laughed and then said, "You are adorable Castiel"

He gave me the confused stare and I wrapped my arms around his neck as our lips met. The kiss was sweet, but I could feel his desire.

Someone cleared their throat, and I broke the kiss with Castiel to see Sam standing in the entrance to the small room "Ah, oh, sorry guys" he said as he cleared his throat. Stepping in past the bookcase Sam looked around "What is this?"

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