Angel interference

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I pushed the deny button and sent Dean's call to my phone voicemail. When I had realised that Castiel was feeling so insecure about things I had decided I need to distance myself from the boys for a while, but mostly from Dean. I threw my phone on the table and looked up to see the blue eyes staring at me with confusion "Why didn't you answer him?"

"I am spending the weekend with you, not Dean Winchester. Whatever he wants can wait" I picked up the Tupperware container and placed it in the basket with the other food and snacks that I had packed, which wasn't a lot, because Castiel didn't need to eat and I wasn't going to eat much. Castiel and I were going to go on a picnic in the park and to just relax.

"Are you sure Y/N?" he asked me with some concern in his voice.

I met the blue eyes and frowned, "I know for sure that he was fine after he woke and sent us home. I'm not doing the cure, so anything else will not be urgent" I stepped around the counter and embraced him, "If you want to go to him you can?"

His arms wrapped around me and he kissed my cheek, "I'm fine here"

He sounded happy and I was grateful that I didn't answer the phone as I didn't want to upset him at all. I had decided that I needed to spend more time with Castiel and less time with the Winchesters.

"Is everything in the basket ready to go?" he asked and I nodded. He reached out and grabbed the picnic basket whilst he still hung on to me and before I realised we were no longer in the apartment but standing beside a beautiful waterfall that looked to be very picturesque. The surrounding area was lush with overgrown shrubs and wild flowers of various types that I didn't know to name. The waterfall was fairly high with a rock wall and the water fell into an open pool that looked crystal clear.

I was taking in the sight of the area when Castiel came up behind me, wrapping his arms around me, his body pressed into my back. He sat his head on my right shoulder as he said, "Is it ok here?"

"It's breath takingly beautiful Castiel. I love it" I turned around in his arms and over his shoulder I saw that he had already placed the blanket down, the food was set out and he even had pillows positioned for us to sit on. It was so thoughtful and beautifully set, he was so amazing, and I loved him so much.

I met the blue eyes and stepped closer, pressing my lips to his, feeling him moving his mouth in sync with mine. The kiss sent pleasurable tangles all through me and I wanted him so much, but he stepped back breaking from the kiss and said, "Eat first, then whatever your heart desires"

Grabbing my hand he lead me over to the pillows and helped me sit down, then he sat down on a pillow himself and he picked up some cheese and a biscuit before holding it out towards me. I managed to eat a little from our picnic, but only because he kept insisting that I eat.

When I had eaten enough I put the lids on what was left and had a drink of the lemonade before I sat back down with my back against him, Castiel supported me as I laid against him. I leant my head back against his chest, closing my eyes I listened to the waterfall as I felt his arms wrap around me, crossing just under my breast.

Castiel suddenly had a book in his hand as he said, "Can I read to you?"

"Sure" I looked at the book and realised it was the poetry book that he sometimes read and whilst I wasn't really good with poetry I didn't mind laying here and just listening to him read out loud. He read a few poems to me and I loved that he wanted to share them with me, but I suddenly yawned and he stopped reading mid poem.

"Are you tired?" he asked and I shook my head, "Yes, you are. Maybe we should go home so you can sleep?"

"No. I want to stay here" I placed my arms over his and felt myself relax so much that I fell asleep.

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