Is this goodbye?

42 1 6

**This chapter contains mature content**

Castiel's POV

I sat in the kitchen, across from Y/N, who was hugging the cup of steaming coffee as she tried to wake herself up. Dean walked into the kitchen looking like he had had just as much trouble waking too, or was it that maybe they both didn't get much sleep? "Morning Dean" I said as he stepped over to the coffee machine and poured himself a cup, giving me a grunt for a hello. Coming to the table he sat down next to me and took a sip of the drink.

I had packed up most of the lab equipment in a large tub and it was sitting near the door of the kitchen as I didn't want to take it too far in case we still needed it for more testing. Although speaking with Y/N last night she seemed to think that we had actually done the cure, so I assumed we didn't need most of the lab things anymore.

Sam and Gabriella walked into the kitchen together. Sam let Gabriella sit down at the table and he stood. Gabriella looked much better this morning and I saw that her hair was wet, so she probably had had a shower. The hazel eyes glared at me, and I stared back, "Is there a problem Gabriella?"

"Yes. What did you do to me last night?" she asked.

I noticed Sam, Dean and Y/N all stared down at the table as I said, "You needed your rest, so I made you sleep"

Gabriella nodded, "I worked that much out, but how?"

"With my angel ability"

She frowned, "What?"

"I am an angel of the lord"

She looked at me with what I assumed was doubt and Y/N looked at her, finally saying something, "It's true. Castiel is an angel. Can't go into detail now, we need to see if the cure worked"

"I already took some blood from Gabriella" Sam held out the test tube with the blood in it towards Y/N.

Taking the sample Y/N got to her feet and moved over to the bench where I had left the microscope and a few other things. Grabbing a slide out Y/N picked up a pipette and used it to drop a sample of Gabriella's blood on it. Sliding it under the microscope Y/N look at it and seemed to study it for the longest time.

Gabriella got nervous as she called out in frustration, "Well? Did you cure me?"

Y/N stood up straight and turned to us all, "Yes. I think we did. Of course you won't know for sure until the next full moon, but I would say we did cure you"

"Really?" Gabriella got up and threw her arms around Sam as she squealed in delight. Sam squeezed her gently, but then stepped back, sitting in the chair that Gabriella had just vacated.

I saw that Y/N hadn't moved from her place near the microscope, her face looked sorrowful as she stared at the ground. I knew she was worried about Crowley and I believed she was just expecting him to appear at any moment and strike her down.

I got to my feet and walked over, wrapping my arms around her. She returned my hug, but softly said, "Can we go home please?"

"Of course"

She pulled back and said, "I just want to say goodbye to the boys first"

I watched as she walked over to the table and said "Castiel and I are going home-"

"No!" Dean said interrupting as he got to his feet and stepped over to her, "You need to stay here"

Taking a step closer she wrapped her arms around the oldest hunter, "It's ok Dean. I will be with Castiel"

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