Chapter 15- The Great War Part 2

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Washington D.C., Virginia, March 23, 1917
Theodore Joseph Wells paced with uncertainty as he was in the waiting room outside of President Woodrow Wilson. According to some sources from the country's allies in Europe, there were at least a dozen or so Mega-Men. Ever since what happened at the Colorado River and eloping with Clara Simmons and her daughter Margaret four years ago, Wells had been on a desk job at the United States Marshals. "Mr. Wells, sir?" asked a voice behind him. Wells turned around to see none other than Roy Thompson. "Roy," smiled Wells as the two shook hands. "It's been a while." The two men chuckled as Roy asked, "So how's the office life treatin' ya? Ya miss the action?" Wells lifted his eyebrows up and answered, "It's not so bad. Especially raising the kid." Roy asked, "Does Simmons know about you and his wife and kid?" Wells sighed, "I wouldn't be surprised if Walter does in fact know, but I don't think he'd care..." Roy nodded, remembering Wells nearly drowned and his old partner was more fascinated with the cube and the alien robots. He apologized, "I'm sorry, Mr. Wells. It was my gun that came alive and shot you in the leg." The U.S. Marshal reassured, "It wasn't your fault, Roy. It... was the damn cube when the second Mega-Man touched it." Roy looked around and leaned in as he whispered, "So is it true? Does the British and the Allied Powers have Mega-Men?" Nodding, Wells whispered, "Yes. Both were sighted in England and possibly Russia. Not to mention the sub attack in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean by the Germans two years ago. Now I've got to convince the president we have to look into this..." Roy asked, "Even if it means we go to war?" He nodded, "Believe me, I don't take this lightly."

The doors finally opened as the two men walked inside and met up with none other than the president of the United States, Woodrow Wilson.

The doors finally opened as the two men walked inside and met up with none other than the president of the United States, Woodrow Wilson

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"Ah, Agents Wells and Thompson," greeted Wilson. The two stood at attention as the president said, "At ease. So, I've read up your reports in the Colorado River in 1914 and that expedition in the Arctic." Wells relaxed his stance and reported, "Yes, sir. I heard from a contact in the British armed forces that several Mega-Men are fighting alongside them and battling the Germans and Austro-Hungarians." Wilson questioned, "So if they got giant robots fighting with them, why do they need our support?" Wells explained, "Well, according to my contact, there's infighting between the robots." The president repeated, "Infighting? Why?" Wells shrugged, "I don't know, sir. My contact could barely understand what they were saying." Wilson questioned, "Does your contact think that the robots know about the cube at the Colorado River?" Wells answered, "They know that something is here on Earth. Personally, I think, yes, they know the cube is here. But I don't think they know its whereabouts." Wilson nodded, "Hopefully it stays that way. Speaking of which, where is Walter Simmons?" Roy answered, "He couldn't make it today, sir." Wells sighed, not even surprised by this. Only Simmons would miss four years of his only daughter's life and not show up for the president, thought Wells. The president nodded, "Well, the people are asking me for a response, and given what you've told me... it has given me much to think about. That is all, gentlemen. You're dismissed." Wells and Roy saluted and left Wilson alone with his thoughts.

United States Capitol, April 2, 1917
Wells and Roy watched as President Wilson made a speech to Congress to declare war on Germany. Wilson cited Germany's violation of its pledge to suspend unrestricted submarine warfare in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean, as well as its attempts to entice Mexico into an alliance against the United States. Roy whispered, "Imagine what would happen if anybody here besides the president knew about the Mega-Men across the pond." Wells whispered, "Probably for the best. Given that these recent developments just fell onto our radar four years after what happened at the Colorado River." Roy asked, "So if or when the U.S. goes to war, are you going to Europe to find out about the Mega-Men there?" The older agent answered, "No, my adventurer days are over. I can't just leave, you know. I got a young girl to support stateside." Wells looked at Roy and suggested, "Perhaps you should go to Europe. Get some experience. See the sights." Roy gave it some thought as he and Wells continued to watch the president's speech.

Two days later, the U.S. Senate voted in support of the measure to declare war on Germany and the House of Representatives concurred for another two days later.

Norfolk Naval Shipyard, December 7, 1917
Wells escorted Roy over to the ship where most of enlisted soldiers were headed off for Europe. Roy carried a duffle bag as the two shook hands and he walked off.

Wells turns around and to his surprise, it was his former partner Walter Simmons with an outraged expression. "You're sending him to Europe for war?!" demanded Simmons. Wells glared back, "Look who's back from his obsession." Simmons glowered, "What is going on, Wells? And why did you have to send Thompson to Europe?" Wells replied, "Maybe if you didn't leave me to drown and stopped with your obsession, I would've been more forthcoming with you. But no, the underwater cube is more important to you than what's happening out there in the world and even your own family! By the way, Margaret is doing well, no thanks to you!" Simmons asked, "What do you mean about what's happening in the world?" Wells scoffed, "If you're so curious, there have been sightings of giant alien robots fighting on the side of the Allies against Germany and Austro-Hungarians." Simmons widened, "There are more Mega-Men in Europe?" Wells pointed out, "There you go again, Walter. Concerned about robots than anything else." He walked past his former colleague and added, "At least with Roy, I can count on him when I need him."

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