Chapter 9- Race For The Target Planet Part 2

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Polyhex Decepticon Stronghold, Cybertron
Shockwave assembled together the Decepticons outside of his ship. "Everyone," announced Shockwave. "I am here to confirm the rumors being spread around amongst us. The Allspark is indeed on a remote world lightyears from Cybertron." The Decepticons murmured to each other as he continued, "I have no doubt the Autobots have reached the same conclusion. However, in theory, my ship, the Straxus, can get to the Target Planet approximately ten stellar cycles, give or take if my Red Energon engine works." A neon red orange, purple, and light green Decepticon Seeker with a cyan faceplate and light orange helmet with red optics plus cyan thighs came up and asked, "Ten stellar cycles? We're barely hanging on as it is, Shock. What'll happen if that Red Energon engine of yours doesn't work?"

 What'll happen if that Red Energon engine of yours doesn't work?"

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Shockwave nodded, "Yes, Thundercracker. The thought has crossed my mind. I haven't had a chance to test the engine's capabilities when the war broke out." Slipstream stepped in and pointed out, "I just heard from my insider within the Autobots that they are going to make an attempt for the Straxus." Shockwave agreed, "Then we must go before they gain an opportunity. Of course, I must ask, who will join in this voyage?" Hardshell stepped in with his fellow Insecticons Sharpshot, Kickback, and Shrapnel, signifying they wished to join him. Then several Dreads stepped in and shot up their right arms. A black and yellow Seeker with a cone helmet and cyan optics named Dirge volunteered with an optimistic smile. Finally some Class Alpha and Beta drones joined in.

Autobot Stronghold, Iacon
Armorhide prepped a shuttle with a squadron of Class Alpha and Beta drones at his command. As of right now, he was talking with Ultra Magnus via comms. "Sir, are you sure we shouldn't contact Optimus Prime about this?" asked Armorhide. Ultra Magnus reminded, "Our 'Grand Leader' is currently busy fighting battles against Decepticon insurgents in the colony worlds. He is far too busy to deal with this." Armorhide shrugged, "I don't know. This seems like the kind of big news we should tell him." There was a brief silence before Ultra Magnus ordered, "Commandeer the Decepticons' ship and do not question my judgment!" The comms shut off as Armorhide looked around to see his drones staring at him. "Get back to work, drones!" shouted Armorhide as the drones quickly went to their positions in the shuttle.

Ultra Magnus and the Wreckers looked at a holographic table where an image of Polyhex was displayed. "The Decepticons will no doubt be on high guard for that ship," strategized Ultra Magnus. "We will battle their forces while Armorhide's ship intercepts the Decepticons' ship. Any questions?" He concluded by stabbing an Energon dagger on the table, eliciting some sadistic smiles from his Wreckers.

Polyhex Decepticon Stronghold, Later
Shockwave along with his crew took their positions as the Straxus' engines started and began to take off. Meanwhile, Slipstream and some Decepticons looked up and watched. "May the Primes be with you, Shockwave," murmured Slipstream. Just then Thundercracker came in and said urgently, "Slipstream, the Autobots are coming by the dozens!" She sighed, "Of course this wasn't going to be easy." Slipstream stood up and ordered, "Decepticons, take up your defense positions! We must not allow the Autobots take the Straxus!" The Decepticons chorused, "Yes, ma'am!"

Ultra Magnus, Leadfoot, Roadbuster, Topspin, Drift, Wheeljack, Arcee, and Cliffjumper with an army of Class Beta, Gamma, Delta, Zeta, and Eta drones on the ground, blasting at the Decepticons' own drones, Insecticons, and Dreads. Slipstream looked up and saw the other Aerialbots leading Class Alpha drones in the skies over Ultra Magnus and the Autobots. "Seekers and Alphas," commanded Slipstream as she, Thundercracker, some other Seekers, and Class Alpha drones ran and transformed into their flight modes and flew to intercept their enemies. "Transform and rise up!"

Armorhide's shuttle flew up over the battlefield between the Autobots and Decepticons and made its way to the Straxus. "Go faster!" shouted Armorhide. "As soon as it leaves the atmosphere, Magnus will have all our hides and leave the rest in the Rad Zone!" A Class Alpha drone nods as he then began to increase the shuttle's speed.

Dirge took notice of the Autobot shuttle chasing after them and pointed, "Shockwave, sir! The Autobots are after us!" Shockwave took notice as he went to the intercom and ordered, "Begin preparations for the Red Energon engine!"

A few Insecticons and Class Beta drones in the engine room went to the controls and began typing several buttons on some holographic panels. A loading bar began slowly buffering much to their annoyance. "You've got to be kidding me," muttered Shrapnel. "Me. Me. Me."

The Autobot shuttle finally caught up with the Straxus as the two spacecrafts were side by side. Armorhide ordered, "Activate the anchors! Make sure they don't escape when we take their ship!" The drones at the controls complied as they began to access the anchor controls.

The Decepticons felt several impacts on the side of the Straxus as a Dread reported, "The Autobots are anchoring us!" Dirge suggested, "Some Class Alphas and I can fly out there and shoot the anchors off!" Shockwave sees the Red Energon engine's progress bar reaching one hundred percent as he ordered urgently, "Everyone hold on to something!"

With the Red Energon engine running, the Straxus flew faster than the speed of light out of Cybertron's atmosphere. However, the Decepticon vessel was pulling the Autobot shuttle via the anchors. With both ships moving at such speeds, both the Autobot and Decepticon alike were feeling the effects despite strapping on to their seats. In fact, several of them were starting to feel motion sickness. Even Shockwave tried to keep himself from going into to stasis lock to keep the Straxus on course for the target planet. He noticed that both vessels were tearing apart from how fast they were going.

Finally both the Straxus and the Autobot shuttle made it to the target planet's orbit. Unfortunately, the two spacecrafts had sustained so much damage, many of the plating were ripped apart and worst of all the thrusters lost power. The Autobot shuttle's anchors went loose and broke off from its hold on the Straxus. Most of the occupants of both ships were in stasis lock. Suddenly, both the Straxus and the Autobot shuttle got pulled toward the planet's gravity, going towards two different directions...

Tunguska, Russia, June 30, 1908
Around 7:17 am, many Russian settlers and Evenki natives living in the hills northwest of Lake Baikal observed a bluish light that illuminated as bright as the sun. It moved across the sky and leaving a thin trail. Closer to the horizon, there was a flash of light that produced a billowing cloud. It was then followed by a pillar of fire that casted a red light on the landscape. The pillar split in two and faded to black. Then ten minutes later, they heard a noise that sounded like artillery fire moved from the east to the north of the eyewitnesses. Then suddenly, the noise were accompanied by something which set a shockwave that knocked people off their feet and shattered windows from hundreds of kilometers away. The damage resulted in flattening 830 square miles in the forest, resulting in the devastation of local plants and animals, a few damaged buildings, and three people dead. Debate was made of what exactly was it that crashed in Tunguska, whether it was an asteroid or comet...

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