Chapter 8- Race For The Target Planet

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Polyhex Decepticon Stronghold, Cybertron
Shockwave was hard at work in his laboratory, studying the energy that came crashing down on Cybertron. He had tested it on his centrifuge machine and his computer confirmed his theory. The impact site had residual radiation matching that of the Allspark's energy. He turned to an audio recording device and clicked on its record button. "Shockwave's log," said Shockwave. "It seems my theory of the energy crashing on our homeworld is from the Allspark." He peered closer to his computer screen as the test was also showing a small percentage of something else. "There is also a small percentage of something unknown," continued Shockwave. "Analyzing it now." Typing a view keys on his computer with his right three fingered hand, Shockwave was then taken aback as he said, "It's coordinates!"

Slipstream entered inside the laboratory as she asked, "Shockwave, what's your progress?" Shockwave turned off his recording device and answered, "Splendid, actually. In fact, you're just in time! The energy did in fact come from the Allspark, but the energy also provided coordinates to where it is." She asked, "Well, where is it?" Shockwave typed on his keyboard as he then turned to galactic holographic projector and it mapped out the coordinates.

" She asked, "Well, where is it?" Shockwave typed on his keyboard as he then turned to galactic holographic projector and it mapped out the coordinates

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"According to this," said Shockwave as he read the Cybertronian text while it showed projections of the Allspark and a planet. "It was simply called 'Target Planet' and had volcanic activity, earthquakes, and was populated with organic species based on the Dinobots' monstrous alternate modes. Of course, that was billions of years ago. According to this, it once had a large landmass but was split off into different continents possibly by said volcanic activity and earthquakes." Slipstream crossed her arms and said, "I don't like it. This 'Target Planet' sounds too unstable and risky for us to go." Shockwave nodded, "Yes, but it won't take long for Ultra Magnus and the Autobots to come to the same conclusion. Ultra Magnus won't let anything stop him from getting the Allspark. Which is why we have to get to it first." She sighed, "Even so, the Target Planet is several light years away from Cybertron. How will we get there without a Spacebridge?" Shockwave answered, "I have a ship capable of interstellar travel with an engine of my own design. Powered by Red Energon." He stroked a finger on his "chin" as he added, "However we won't be able to all fit in my ship. Someone will have to stay behind to lead the Decepticons in my absence." His optic glanced at Slipstream who gasped, "Me? I don't know..." Shockwave placed his right hand on her shoulder and assured, "This war has taken much from you, but you always had the makings of a leader. That is why I can think the Decepticons on Cybertron is in good hands."

Autobot Stronghold, Iacon
Ultra Magnus sat on a throne as Wreckers Roadbuster and Topspin stood at his sides respectively. Roadbuster was dark blue and white with a cyan visor, had missile launchers on his shoulders, a machine gun on his left collar, two rapid fire rifles on his forearms, and additional rifles on his hips and the sides of his knees. Topspin was orange and dark blue with white accents, had a red visor, energy blasters on his shoulders, pipes that spewed fire on his upper chest, and two rapid fire rifles on his forearms along with giant clamps. Just then, Wheeljack and scientist Perceptor arrived as they kneeled down. Wheeljack was mostly white with magenta and purple accents, red optics, a black helmet with a bronze battle mask and bronze panels on the sides of his head. Perceptor was mostly black and grey with yellow optics, a red translucent chest piece, and a receptor on his left shoulder. "Well, what is your findings?" asked Ultra Magnus, looking down at the Autobots. Wheeljack replied, "The energy from back there is from the Allspark. Not only that, but also Perceptor's found coordinates of where it is." Ultra Magnus gave this some thought as he asked, "What of replicating Shockwave's Red Energon engine?" Perceptor responded, "Engine is fully built, but have no Red Energon stores to fuel it." The Autobot city commander gripped the sides of the throne as he angrily clenched, "Then we will have to commandeer the Decepticons' ship and get to those coordinates." Wheeljack nodded, "I'll start rounding up a squad, sir!" Ultra Magnus refused, "No. I'll do it. Your efforts are to be focused on our special project if the worst should happen. Now go." The two scientists left as the Autobot city commander pondered about who to send.

Ultra Magnus and his two Wreckers walked as many Autobot soldiers and drones who stood at attention. Much to his chagrin, Airazor was also there with her wing still broken. Ultra Magnus came over to her and asked dryly, "I take it you're back for duty?" She nodded, "Yes, I am." Without hesitation, Ultra Magnus gripped on her broken wing which made Airazor protest in pain. "Wrong," retorted Ultra Magnus. "You have not been qualified for active duty. I cannot afford liabilities and failure for this mission." Airazor whined, "I-I am not a liability! I won't fail! I'm at a hundred percent!" He grasped at her broken wing again making the Aerialbot femme cry out in pain as Ultra Magnus lectured, "Need I remind you that there are nerve sensors on your wings which is why you are incapable of this mission at this moment! Now get to the medical bay and have your wing fixed!" Airazor denied, "I don't need a doctor! I'm fully capable of doing anything!" Taking no more of this Vosian Seeker's pride, Ultra Magnus threw her at Roadbuster and Topspin and ordered, "Get this useless flier to Red Alert now! Use wing clamps if you have to!" The Wreckers grabbed Airazor by the arms and dragged her away as she protested, "You can't do this to me! I'm a Cybertronian! I'm an Aerialbot! I will have your jobs, you thugs!" Roadbuster scoffed, "Yeah, yeah, shuddup, ya pain in the aft!"

Ultra Magnus sighed as he then turned to a mostly white and black Autobot with purple accents and yellow optics. This one had vehicle parts for a Cybertronian semi truck with the grill and headlights on his chest, the front wheels on his collar, the back wheels on his forearms, and the front windows and upper cab made up his legs. "Armorhide," said Ultra Magnus. "You will lead the squadron to take the Decepticons' ship and bring to me the Allspark." Armorhide saluted, "Yes, sir!"

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