Chapter 4: Perilous Reunion

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"Yo, Mister White, Beach! Is that you?"

No. No way. It was Jesse Pinkman's voice. He sounded so.... old now? What happened? He was only gone for a few days, atleast he thought.

"No frickin' way, it's Mister White!"


Walter turned to Jesse in a state of shock. "Why are you so surprised, Jesse?"

Jesse stared at him, wide-eyed. "The frick you mean? It's been 12 years since I last saw you, I thought you were dead!"

"12 years? You must be joking Jesse. It's only been a few days." Walter was genuinely surprised.

Jesse was about to talk, when Chuck Shurley walked up beside Walter.

Jesse was confused. "Who the frick is that? Your boyfriend? 'You gay now or something?"

Walter snapped. "No! I'm straight-"

Walter was  suddenly interrupted by a man walking up to Jesse and kissing him on the lips. This man has a ominous aura to him. He was tall, charming. He had dark hair and the physique of a model. Walter blushed in embarrassment of having to witness this. He felt physically sick for some odd reason?

Walter asked in a harsh voice. "Who's this?"

Jesse laughed. "This is Lucifer Morningstar. He's my boyfriend, no.. my Fiancè."

Walter spat out in shock. "Your WHA??" No. He must be mishearing things.

Walter White did NOT approve of this.

He spun around, and without thinking he grabbed the hand of Chuck Shurley and stormed off. After walking 6 minutes, they reached a bakery named "The New Baking Company". They walked inside and ordered a burger and a Frito Pie. They sat down and Walter sighed. He noticed he was holding Chuck Shurley's hand and he winced in disgust. He pulled away immediately and moved away.

He waited in silence for his food. Once it arrived, he kept silent as he ate. Chuck Shurley was staring down at him with a friendly look. He heard his sweet voice. "Are you okay? You seemed pretty uncomfortable back there, what for?"

Walter looked up with an annoyed look. "My god. Jesse turned into a homosexual. What do you mean why am I uncomfortable?"

Chuck Shurley was surprised. Walter being homophobic was not something he expected at all.

Chuck Shurley looked from side to side uncomfortably. "Oh.."

"Why does that make you uncomfortable?"

Walter scoffed. "He's gay, Chuck."

"He's gay."


"There's nothing wrong with being gay Walter, I'm bisexual.  Does that make you uncomfortable?" Chuck Shurley squinted at him, waiting for his response.

Walter White suddenly fell off his chair and onto his side on the ground. "You're what? No, of course it does!"

Chuck Shurley sighed in disappointment. Not surprised, but still frustrating to hear that his new friend was against his sexuality. "I odn't know how to feel about this, Mr Brightisde."

"I really don't."

Walter got up off the ground and stormed out of sat back down on the chair. "Whatever, just don't shove it in my face, okay? I'm quite disappointed in Jesse. He could've kept it to himself, you know?"

Chuck Shurley stood up. He paid for the food and began to walk out of the bakery. Walter called out to him. "Where are you going?"

Chuck Shurley didn't reply. He just left the building.


What now, Walter? You really messed up.. but he said he was bisexual. I can't accept that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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