Chapter 3: Deserted Miracle

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I'm BACKKK!!!! So much has happened in the past months I couldn't write but I hopefully can continue now!! Basically my mom was arrested and then a whole ton of other personal stuff happened but I'm okay now!

Onto the fanfiction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Gatekeeper's smile shifted into a frown hearing the threats coming from Walter. He wasn't happy to hear that his test subject was going against him. Walter slowly got up and lifted the table. He hurled it straight at the Gatekeeper!

The Gatekeeper was left stunned, and was unable to dodge in time. Chuck Shurley let out a laugh of amusement. Mr Brightside actually did it, he did the bold move and attacked the Gatekeeper of all people.. he must be insane!

Walter was not smiling. He needed to go back to New Mexico. He had to see Skyler and Walter Jr one last time.

Then. Suddenly. His vision went dark. He couldn't hear, or see anything. It was suffocating...


He soon woke up. He was on the street of Santa Fe. Across the street from him was a barren park. Lifeless. He blinked, and it was suddenly green and full of life? What's happening here? Is anyone else seeing this crap? He was about to take a step forward, when he realized that.. he felt like he was floating? He looked down and he noticed something, he was in the arms of somebody. He looked up. He was in the arms of Chuck Shurley.

No. No. He couldn't be seen by anyone like this! No! I have to get out. 

He started to try get away. He couldn't. He was not 20 anymore. It was hard to move too much, he would feel his bones crack.

He suddenly felt a whisper. It was inaudible.

He finally got out of his arms. He looked around quickly, and saw that he was in front of a church. He looked back at Chuck Shurley. "Did you see that too?"

Chuck Shurley looked confused. "See what?"

"The street.. the park suddenly.. it was like years passed in one minute..!"

Chuck Shurley looked at him like he was insane. "No, the park has always been green."

Walter was shocked, but then he noticed an oddity. Chuck Shurley was obviously lying. He never mentioned the park changing from dead to green..

Walter shrugged it off. He looked around a few more times before looking back at Chuck Shurley. "What happened though? With the Gatekeeper."

Chuck Shurley shrugged. "You must've scared him into letting us go."

Ugh! He wasn't helping. Walter started to storm off. He walked down the streets, leaving behind Chuck Shurley. He ignored him yelling out. He didn't care. 

He heard a familiar, yet strange voice coming from behind him.. It was.. Jesse Pinkman.

The Marks We Makeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें