After explaining his plan, everyone got into position. Lincoln marched over and got within view of the two meathead bullies.

"Oh, look who it is, bro. The town hero," Hank pointed.

"I heard he's the one who gave Chandler a beating," Hawk said.

"Is that right? You like beating kids, twerp?"

Lincoln said nothing as he smirked. Then he turned around, bent down so his head was upside down and between his legs. Lincoln blew a raspberry while spanking his butt, mocking them. Both bullies were shocked and taken by surprise.

"What the?!" Hank spoke.

Hawk growled, "Oh, that is it! Let's teach this freak a lesson!"

"You got it, bro."

They both cracked their knuckles. Lincoln ran down the hall as they chased after him into the gym. Lincoln slipped past the door to the gym's storage room, where Stella was waiting. She nodded with a grin, and Lincoln returned the same. When Hank and Hawk opened the door, their eyes widened as Stella deployed a giant inflatable clown that sent them flying across the gym. Zach and Rusty had just finished putting all the flypaper on the wall where the two bullies landed, stuck to the sticky paper-like flies.

Then they slowly peeled off and landed in a garbage dumpster. The garbage from the cafeteria was fresh and wet, making it extra stinky.

"This reeks! I think I'm gonna puke!" Hank said.

"Oh, man! If you're gonna puke, I'm gonna puke!" Hawk replied.

Lincoln and Stella quickly ran over, climbing up the bleachers, each carrying a bucket of glue. They both had devilish grins as they smiled upon their prey.

"Oh no!" Hank cried out.

"Don't! No!" Hawk screamed.

As soon as Lincoln and Stella got into position, they flung the glue all over the bullies. Liam then pulled the rope, releasing manure down on them. The bullies were now covered with trash and undesirables. They then closed the dumpster lid and wheeled outside just as the garbage truck pulled in. The garbage truck hooked in the dumpster raised it and dumped everything onboard. The two bullies screamed as they fell in, and the truck drove off. Lincoln, Stella, and their friends cheered in victory. Clyde came and Lincoln him.

"You okay, Clyde?" Lincoln asked.

"I'm better than okay. Lincoln, you saved me again! You really are a hero!" Clyde praised.

Lincoln confidently stood straight, his chest puffed up, "I can't take all the credit. I had loads of help from our friends. So today, I'm not the hero. They are."

"That's a load of baloney!" Zach stated.

"Yeah, this was all your idea. We never would have come up with something this clever," Liam added.

'Oh, I borrowed a few ideas from Luan's pranks,' Lincoln thought to himself.

"Yeah, that was amazing. Besides, all of us were scared to go up against those two brutes. But you, you didn't even think twice before doing something about those bullies. You're really brave, Lincoln. It's no wonder that you saved your sister's life," Stella complimented.

Lincoln blushed as she held his hand. They forget that the others are around.

"Is it true that you two are dating?" Rusty asked, crossing his arms.

"Uh . . . um," Lincoln spoke nervously but didn't know what to say.

He remembered the pact they had made with each other. The boys, except Clyde, all gave Lincoln disappointing looks at Lincoln with their arms crossed.

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