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A week ago, Liam had stood Stella up for breakfast.

A week ago, Stella made a deal with him.

A week ago, they met.

Six days ago, they kissed.

Five days ago, they made love.

Four days ago, Liam fought with his emotions.

Three days ago, Stella admitted to herself that she loved him.

Two days ago, they watched the sunset together.

One day ago, Stella was accepted.

Today, Stella tried to jump from the second floor of the beach house.

Today, Liam learned how scary it was to see someone you love lose their mind.

The ride to the hospital was horribly quiet. It was the kind of quiet that weighed heavy on your lips, keeping you from speaking and allowing the silence to continue. Liam’s fingers traced over the soft leather of Stella’s purse while it sat in his lap as Louis drove the group in the SUV to Sharp Hospital. Why couldn’t they explain to Liam what was wrong with Stella? What was so rare that not even an EMT could explain it to him? These questions and a million more ran through Liam’s head.

When the group arrived at the hospital Liam lead the pack through the lobby and up to the information desk. The man behind the desk was already talking to a tall, narrowed bodied female nurse when they came up, causing Liam to grow impatient. He let out a soft growl through his nose which caught the girl’s attention and made her turn around. She had long brown hair that came to rest at her breasts, her brown eyes throwing something heated at him before she softened.

“Liam,” the girl breathed. “Are you okay?” She asked worried, causing Liam to become confused.

“I’m sorry, but do I know you?” Liam asked curiously, the group all staring at the new girl.

“I’m sorry, I’m Kelly.” She replied sadly, “Stella’s friend.” Kelly looked at the group and frowned slightly before giving them all a nod.

“Why are you here? How… how did you get here? How did you know she was here?” Liam asked quickly, the vein in his neck protruding slightly.

“I’m her emergency contact; they called me immediately when Stella was brought here. I work upstairs.” The girl was dressed in nurse’s scrubs, she was older than Stella but still in her 20’s.

“Emergency contact? Wouldn’t her parents be called first?” Liam asked quickly.

Kelly’s soft smile faded and she sighed deeply, reaching out to take Liam’s arm in her hand and guided him over to a small waiting area. She encouraged them all to sit down and she took a seat next to Liam, her hand still resting on his arm.

“Did Stella not tell you?” Kelly asked softly, the expression on Liam’s face was slacked, giving Kelly the answer she needed. “Her parents are dead. They have been for years.”

The news struck the group hard. How could a girl who was so free and so happy hide such a dark secret from them? She had told the girls and Liam about parts of her life but there was the family aspect missing and none of them bothered to dig further; perhaps because Stella was so independent, they assumed that she was fine.

“What is wrong with her?” Liam asked weakly, “She was acting so strange. Like she was in a dream.”

“She hit me in the jaw and nearly knocked out Harry when he pulled her down from the ledge of the stairs!” Niall chimed, their expressions all sharing the same sad, confused, and hurt expression.

The Dreamscape (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now